Alan Dix aQtive
and Lancaster University |
Russell BealeaQtive and University of Birmingham |
Andy WoodaQtive |
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Paper presented at AVI'2000 - Advanced Visual Interfaces, Palermo, Italy. May 23-26, 2000
View full paper (PDF,585K) or slides (PPT,851K).
Full reference:
A. Dix, R. Beale and A. Wood (2000). Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems. Proceedings of Advanced Visual Intervaces - AVI2000, ACM Press, pp. 51-60.
URL for related work:
In previous
work, the first author argued for simple
lightweight visualisations. These are surprisingly complex to produce due
to the need for infrastructure to read files, etc. onCue, a desktop 'agent',
aids the rapid production of such visualisations and their integration with
desktop and Internet applications. Two examples are used dancing
histograms for 2D tables and pieTrees for hierarchical numeric data. A major
focus is the importance of architecture, both that of onCue itself and the underlying
component infrastructure on which it is built - separation of concerns, mixed
initiative computation and plug-and-play components lead to easily produced
and easily used systems.
keywords: interactive visualisation, software architecture, hierarchical data, artificial intelligence, Internet-desktop integration