Social networking software is ubiquitous, from Facebook to Flickr, defining the internet for many users. However, this is a recent phenomenon. Is the timing due to socio-technical determinism, inspiration of individuals, or sheer chance? While much has been written about recent successful social networking sites, this paper takes a different approach and examines vfridge, a social networking application developed 10 years ago, well before the current explosion, which, despite a vision that now seems prescient, was unsuccessful. The reasons for failure are partly about timing and market conditions, but also yield valuable lessons for future innovative applications.
Keywords: social network, adoption, web2.0, web architecture
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Fig1. Facebook Growth 2004–2010 – millions of users (data from Facebook, 2011).
[zoom image]
1999 | – | first implementation – stand-alone Java app with bespoke server
later first web version using applet |
2000 | – | dot.com crash
but seed funding for vfridge.com |
2002 | – | vfridge mothballed |
2010 | – | ‘facsimile’ version reproduced in PHP! |
Fig 2. Timeline of vfridge.
Fig. 3: Market ecology – tracing the
network of influences between
different stakeholders
Figure 4: vfridge screenshot
[zoom image]
Fig. 5: Close up of notes on a fridge
[zoom image]
Fig. 6: Conferencer
[zoom image]
Fig. 7: 'List View' – multi-column layout
Fig. 8: List view close-up (three columns)
[zoom image]
Fig. 9: Seeheim for Web Applications
(from Dix, 2011)
[zoom image]