Integrating status and event phenomena in formal specifications of interactive systems

Gregory D. Abowd & Alan J. Dix

College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA

School of Computing
Staffordshire University
Stafford, ST18 0DG, UK.
(Huddersfield University at time of publication)

Full reference:
G. Abowd and A. Dix (1994). Integrating status and event phenomena in formal specifications of interactive systems. SIGSOFT'94, Ed. D. Wile. New Orleans, ACM Press. 44-52.

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See also Alan's pages on status-event analysis


In this paper we investigate the appropriateness of formal specification languages for the description of user interface phenomena. Specifically, we are concerned with the distinction between continuously available information, which we call status, and atomic, non-persistent information, which we call events. We propose a hybrid model and notation to address status and event phenomena symmetrically. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this model for designing and understandingmixed control interaction, an especially important topic in the design of multi-user systems.

Keywords: formal specification, interactive system design, multi-user systems, mixed-control interaction

Alan Dix 27/8/1998