Panel presentation at Time and the Web, Staffordshire University, 19th June 1997.

Time and the Web: Experiences from BSCW

Richard Bentley, Rank Xerox Research Centre, Cambridge, UK.

This is the content of the slides for my presentation at the panel session of the Time and the Web workshop. I've expanded the bullets into some explanatory text, added references, and a few comments based on the discussions on the day.



A brief overview of  GMD's BSCW Shared Workspace system - for more information consult the various papers available on-line, especially this one. To ground some of the experiences with BSCW described below, the following is a description and screen shot of an earlier version of the BSCW system's user interface; a fuller description can be found in this paper.

A 'BSCW server' (Web server with the BSCW extension) manages a number of shared workspaces; repositories for shared information, accessible to members of a group using a simple user name and password scheme. In general a BSCW server will manage workspaces for different groups, and users may be members of several workspaces (e.g. one workspace corresponding to each project a user is involved with).

A shared workspace can contain different kinds of information such as documents, pictures, URL links to other Web pages or FTP sites, threaded discussions, member contact information and more. The contents of each workspace are represented as information objects arranged in a folder hierarchy (Figure 1). Members can transfer (upload) information from their machines to the workspace and set access rights to control the visibility of this information or the operations which can be performed for others. In addition, members can download, modify and request more details on the information objects by clicking on buttons - HTML links that request workspace operations from the BSCW server, which then returns a modified HTML page to the browser showing the new state of the workspace.

Figure 1. BSCW version 2.0 HTML user interface

Access to workspace functions is provided by the buttons at the very top of the page as well as the text HTML anchors below each object. The former operate on the current folder being shown, so that 'add URL' will return a HTML form for specifying the name and URL of a URL link object to be added to the current folder, while the latter perform operations on the individual objects, such as 'rename', 'edit description' and so on. As a short cut, the checkboxes to the left of each object in combination with the buttons above or below the list of objects allow operations on multiple object selections.

Lessons learned

Concerning temporal aspects of interaction with earlier versions of the BSCW system.

'The Web shows through'
Initial designs of the BSCW user interface attempted to provide, within the constraints of HTML, a rich user interface familiar to users of modern graphical desktop machines. Such interfaces rely on rapid response to user clicks to update the underlying application state and provide consistent representation of that state in the user interface, thus exploiting the local connection between application and user interface to provide a rich, bi-directional channel for update messages. This channel does not exist for Web-based applications, where presentation and application are separated by the Internet and all communication is based around client-initiated, request-response patterns.

As a consequence for BSCW, each operation required at least one round-trip to the BSCW server. As network delays were (by far) the major component of the feedback loop for the majority of users interacting over the Internet, this greatly reduced the 'interactivity' of the system; for focused 'sessions' (as opposed to loosely-connected requests which can be 'backgrounded') this lack of response was especially problematic.

This observation is perhaps interesting for the designers of all Web-based systems, and points to the need to reduce, as much as possible, the number of times the client needs to go to the server for a given task. This in turn raises questions of whether interface design for such applications is better described with a 'batch processing' rather than 'direct manipulation' metaphor, whereby multiple 'requests' might be submitted to the application as a single 'job'. This is especially pertinent for porting existing systems to the Web, where the interface-application dialogue might rely on a much richer channel for communication.

'Individual differences'
A rationale for building a system like BSCW on the Web is to exploit the 'homogenous client' offered by the Web browser across different computing infrastructures. An application need only provide one user interface - in HTML - instead of multiple instances coded for native toolkits like Motif, Windows and the Mac toolbox.

In actual fact, experience with early versions of BSCW showed that the notion of the 'homogenous client' is not true. Although the browser might provide a common environment, different computing platforms, levels of network connectivity, applications software, screen size and so on all have an effect on the utility of the design of the application's interface and the way we use it. For temporal implications consider the role of network connectivity; while at work on a powerful workstation with a direct connection to the Internet I might download a document, scan it, download another etc., at home with a modem link I might request a number of documents to be archived and compressed before downloading (and then go put the kettle on).

These aspects concern the role software and hardware infrastructure might play on how we use the Web and Web-based applications. Equally important is the tasks the user is trying to achieve. An example from BSCW concerns the amount of information the system should present (and thus the time taken to arrange and download it) when a user is browsing a workspace to see what's new, as against navigating to a known location to fetch a specific document. Other implications of the user's task might concern 'quality' of required information, suggesting we might sacrifice quality for speed in certain, task-specific situations.


Concerning adaptations and planned changes to the BSCW user interface to address some of the problems arising from the temporal aspects of interaction with a BSCW server. These are described with reference to Figure 2, below.

Figure 2. BSCW 3.0 user interface

'JavaScript for user interface state changes'
The need to go to the server for simple user interface state changes has been partly removed by selective use of JavaScript. JavaScript is a simple yet powerful scripting language allowing code fragments to be embedded in a HTML page. As it is understood by both Netscape and Internet Explorer Web browsers it is a good candidate for enhancing HTML pages. In Figure 2, the 'select all' toggle has been modified to use a JavaScript routine to select all the items in the workspace listing, thus removing the previous need to go to the server to re-compute the entire page. A similar solution is applied to folding and unfolding of action and description lines to customise the presentation of the listing.

'Better use of HTTP caching'
Because BSCW is multi-user application, it was felt in earlier versions that none of the pages generated by the server should be cached to force the client to request an up to date version whenever a request was sent to the server. The rationale for this was that objects could be added and deleted by other users, events could be generated and so on, and a browser's cached copy of a page could quickly become out of date. In fact, HTTP provides better control over caching than this might suggest, and in more recent versions the strategy has changed. Pages returned by the server now contain time-stamp information, allowing browsers to perform 'conditional' requests for pages they have old copies of in their cache; using this timestamp the server can check if the page should be re-generated for that browser and tell it to use its cached version if not, cutting out needless re-generation and download of a page that hasn't changed. Advances in cache control in the next version of the HTTP control might allow more flexible alternatives for the user - for example, to select to browse 'disconnected' using cached pages as much as possible, and synchronise at a later date.

'Chunking of workspace operations'
The notion of applying the same operation to multiple objects through the select toggles and the multi-select operation bar was introduced in earlier version of BSCW. This is being extended to applying multiple operations to the same object. In the current version shown in Figure 2 the list of 'modifier' actions like 'rename', 'edit' etc. displayed under an object in the workspace listing has been replaced by a single action called 'modify', which allows the user to update any aspect of an object from a single screen (filtered by access control). With this approach multiple updates to the same object could be 'batched' together - for example a text document could be edited in a HTML TEXTAREA and its description edited and the updates commited with one request to the server.

'Images downloaded to local site'
The behaviour of disabling 'image loading' is often reported as a 'coping strategy' for performance problems. In general users don't actually want a text interface however - for a system like BSCW a textual equivalent could easily be extremely cluttered and there are good arguments for icons to represent document types, certain operations and so on. Rather than invest time in designing a text only interface, the current version of BSCW allows icons to be downloaded and stored locally, and the user to indicate the system should generate icon URLs which point to the local icon directory (or a directory on a local Web server) rather than URLs which point to icons at the BSCW server. This greatly speeds up interaction with the server for users with poor connections, particularly the initial requests where icons are often unavailable from the memory or disk caches.

'Interface reveals information'
One approach to dealing with temporal problems with Web interaction is to provide more information to users regarding what the various links in a page point to - and what the costs might be in terms of download time (see Chris Johnson's workshop contribution for example). A simple example of this is provided by BSCW, which uses the 'tool tips' feature of newer versions of browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer to display image ALT text when the cursor is positioned over an icon in the listing (The 'select all' button in Figure 2). Effort has therefore been invested in ensuring ALT text for all images is as revealing as possible.

'Server-side archiving and compression'
To address problems of connectivity BSCW 3 also includes tools for server-side archiving and compression (and also format conversion). It is possible for users to select a number of documents, folders and so on, choose from a list of archive and compression formats the server can generate, and request download of the resulting archive with a single request to the server. The rationale, design and benefits of this approach are discussed in detail in a paper available on-line.


From the experiences described above with the development of the BSCW system.

BSCW is a Web-based collaboration tool, and it is worth considering how typical some of the experiences with this tool are and how well they might generalise to other uses of the Web. For example, some aspects of working with BSCW which may not be typical to other ways of working with the Web include:

Although solutions like storing BSCW images on a local Web server do not generalise to Web browsing, it is easy to see how some of the experiences and solutions might generalise. Below are some ideas which could be considered as methods of reducing temporal problems with the Web.

'Treat media types differently'
Image data accounts for the vast majority of Web data transfer, and thus for a major chunk of the download time for a Web page. The amount of data is not the only reason for this; with the current standard for the HTTP protocol browsers must open a separate connection to request each image in the page, incurring all the overhead of connection set-up and heavily loading the network and origin server. Although the next version of HTTP - HTTP/1.1 - will address this problem by supporting multi-plexing multiple data files over the same connection, the problem of disproportionate size of image to text data size will remain - and disabling 'automatic image loading' will remain a necessary coping strategy.

Designers of Web pages can help greatly here by specifying HEIGHT/WIDTH tags for each image in the page, and thus allowing browsers to allocate space for each image and display the text accordingly before the image data has started to arrive. A further improvement might result if origin servers were to treat image data different to text data, reflecting the fact that image behind a given URL rarely changes. Currently many servers timestamp all data returned to the browser (the 'Last-Modified' HTTP header), forcing the browser to check with the server to see if the data has changed before using a cached copy - if servers were to avoid this for image files but continue to timestamp text data files then many needless connections and requests might be avoided. In general, this might point to a need for Web components to treat different media-types differently.

'New approaches to caching'
Currently Web caching is driven solely by storing information relating to 'where a user has been' (or a group of users in the case of a proxy cache). It might be useful to extend this to 'where a user might go'. For example, when a page is loaded a browser (or proxy cache) might examine the various links and commence pre-fetching some or all of these, speeding access to the linked page when the user navigated to it. An obvious problem here is the extra wasted bandwisth involved in pre-fetching many pages the user might not access, but this could be reduced perhaps by fetching only the text and ignoring included images. (Someone during the workshop mentioned a product called 'Peakjet' (sp.?) which does something similar over a modem links to utilise idle time).

Another way in which a cache might be better used is during the request to the server to see iif a cached page can be used or a new one must be downloaded. While this check is being made it might be useful to display the cached page anyway - with suitable indication that it may be out of date and that the origin server is being queried. Some browsers do this if, for example, an origin server cannot be contacted and ask the user if they want to see an old cached copy instead; I think this could be made the default case; often when accessing previously visited pages the purpose is simply to re-locate some information. In general, the Web protocols and components seem to embed the notion that everything changes and must always be up to date; in fact, the nature of the Web means that information might be out of date as soon as it is downloaded and the connection closed, and in some situations it might be better to allow users to trade 'currency' to avoid delay.

'Make the Web more transparent'
The above suggestions focus on possibilities for improving the performance of the Web once a link is clicked. An alternative and complementary approach is to improve the information to the user regarding what the link points to, allowing users to better discriminate if link is worth following in the first place. Examples could go beyond adding file sizes next to links to reveal possible costs (and see Chris Johnson's paper for more examples) to downloading small chunks of 'meta-data' about the link, available to the user with a pop-up right button (Windows) menu for example - such would be straightforward with JavaScript, Active HTML and the like. (A workshop participant mentioned that early hypertext systems like Guide had similar features which allowed links to be typed and their properties accessible from the referenced page).

As well as adding information to improve the transparency of links, we could perhaps usefully reflect underlying properties of the Web at the interface. Just as information on what a link actually points to might allow users to discriminate (or at least give a rough guide of the order of time for download), revealing whether a page is in the cache or not would also give valuable information. Currently  Web browsers use different colours to indicate if a link is to a page a user has previously visited or not; and a similar approach might give users some indication of which information can be accessed immediately and which needs to be fetched. In general as the fact that 'the Web shows through' is beyond dispute, we shouldn't hide this behind opaque interfaces but actually give users information on what's going on underneath so they can make informed decisions on how to proceed. (This is similar to some of Paul Dourish's arguments for systems which account for their actions).

Conclusions and questions

Intended to invite discussion, but maybe more of a wrap-up of the above.

The pace of innovation in the technologies which support the Web has been extremely rapid. Here are some examples:

However, the question of whether these improvements will be enough to solve performance problems is valid: It is also appropriate to question whether the problem is only one of demands on the Web outstripping innovation. To date innovation has generally followed a broad-brush approach, incrementally improving Web components and underlying technologies. Is this the only one? For example, has the huge improvement in processor speed meant that timing and performance problems with applications software has disappeared? (Alan Dix certainly doesn't thing so!) An alternative might be a more targetted approach which addresses the different activities the Web supports. For example, better techniques for ranking the results of search pages might have a much greater impact on overall utility than an incremental improvement in the performance of Web technologies; pre-fetching of the text components of referenced pages might also greatly improve the 'surfing' experience. What might other avenues for investigation be?

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