Time and the Web


19 June 1997

The Octagon
Staffordshire University


contact || description || abstracts and papers

Graphics, information, waiting, ... java, multimedia, waiting, ..
hypertext, waiting, ... global networking, waiting, ... waiting, ... waiting ...

19 June 1997, The Octagon, Staffordshire University

10.00am - Refreshments
10.30am - Introduction
10.45am - Setting the agenda: studies and issues
Chair: Dave Trepess
William Newman
The use of critical parameters in the design of web-based interactive systems
Anthony Byrne & Richard Picking (Staffordshire University)
Is time out to be the big issue?
Barbara McManus (University of Central Lancashire)
Compensating behaviours for web delays
Helen Parker (Sheffield-Hallam University)
Temporal usability and disturbance management in interaction
12.15pm - Lunch
1.45pm - Attacking the problem: theory and mechanisms
Chair: Devina Ramduny
Chris Johnson (Glasgow University)
What's the Web Worth? The Impact of Retrieval Delays on the Value of Distributed Information
Cristian Ionitoiu & Maria Angi (Warwick University)
An adaptive caching and replication mechanism for WWW
Xinping Guo & Colin Pattinson (Leeds University)
Quality of service requirements for multimedia Communications
3.00pm - Break, refreshments
3.30pm - Panel led discussion
Chair: Alan Dix
Panelists: Richard Bentley (Rank Xerox), Nigel Birch (EPSRC)
4.30pm - End

For further information contact the organisers:

David Clarke

+44 (0) 1785-353568


Alan Dix

+44 (0) 1785-353428


Devina Ramduny

+44 (0) 1785-353255


David Trepess

+44 (0) 1785-353509


School of Computing British HCI Group

page mirrored at http://www.hiraeth.com/web97/