Taking the Long View: Structured Expert Evaluation for Extended Interaction

Alan Dix

Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales

Paper presented (virtually) at AVI 2020 (Advanced Visual Interfaces), Ischia Island, Italy, 30th September 2020

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This paper proposes first steps in the development of practical techniques for the expert evaluation of long-term interactions driven by the need to perform expert evaluation of such systems in a consultancy framework.  Some interactions are time-limited and goal-driven, for example withdrawing money at an ATM.  However, these are typically embedded within longer-term interactions, such as with the banking system as a whole.  We have numerous evaluation and design tools for the former, but long-term interaction is less well served.  To fill this gap new evaluation prompts are presented, drawing on the style of cognitive walkthroughs to support extended interaction.

Keywords: long-term interaction, expert evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, interaction design



Template for extended walkthrough

Extended Walkthrough – Template from Alan Dix



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Alan Dix 28/9/2020