A flexible QR-code infrastructure for heritage

Alan Dix and Elizabeth Jones

Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK
Swansea University, Wales, UK

Paper presented at AVICH 2024: Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage. AVI 2024 at Arenzano (Genoa), Italy, 4th June 2024

Download draft paper (PDF, 3.3M)

QR codes are often used in outdoor cultural heritage settings. They are an established technology but inflexible, especially if the websites to which they point change their structure, or even disappear. This paper describes a web infrastructure for deploying QR codes that can be remapped dynamically, both as web resources move or change, but also to allow personalized and adaptable content. This is a small change in the underlying technology, but radically change potential applications. It can be used to personalise content to viewer’s preferences such as language choices, but could be used to support bespoke events or applications such as school visits or treasure hunts. The infrastructure has been deployed at the Memorial Gardens in the lost village of Troedrhiwfuwch, to enable the stories of fallen WWI and II service men to be retold for the current generation




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Alan Dix 31/5/2024