Challenge and Potential of Fine Grain, Cross-Institutional Learning Data

Alan Dix

Talis, Birmingham, UK
and School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

Work in Progress presented at L@S: Third Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, April 25-26, 2016, The University of Edinburgh

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While MOOCs and other forms of large-scale learning are of growing importance, the vast majority of tertiary students still study in traditional face-to-face settings.  This paper examines some of the challenges in attempting to apply the benefits of large-scale learning to these settings, building on a growing repository of cross-institutional data.

Keywords: learning analytics, education technology, reading lists, MOOC, OER.

What is Scale?


What is Scale? from Alan Dix


Challenges of Diversity


Challenges of Diversity from Alan Dix


Trace Analysis – early results


Trace Analysis - early results from Alan Dix



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Alan Dix 15/1/2016