MSc / MRes AISD course 2004

Alan Dix and Corina Sas




Details to follow, but hand-in dates already fixed ...
  • first part (group report) due Monday week 7
  • second part (individual) due Friday week 10, 10th Dec. 2004
In all cases electronic copy plus paper copy to Trish in CS (for MSc) or Claire is Psych (for MRes). Please Cc: electronic copies to Alan and Corina.


general resources
try the search engine for the HCI book ... sorry only second edition available yet :-(
there are also chapter-by-chapter links
and you can look at previous year's courses for 2000/2001, 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004
examples, mini case studies, ...
see the HCI book online! materials for various case studies, examples etc.
if we talk through an example in class and it doesn't appear here, please tell us and we'll write something down and add it here.
the alarm demo shows you a partial prototype of the nuclear alarm scenario

day 1

this kind of material ...

see intro slides (PDF, 248K)
see Introduction in HCI book and also see Alan's short tutorial article for Assembly Automation
the term "form (ever) follows function" was coined by Louis Sullivan and was one of the drivers behind the work of his student Frank Lloyd Wright
the Electrolux Screenfridge an example of an internet appliance
design and scenarios
chapter 5, sections 5.2 to 5.5
download chapter 5 slides (PDF, 611K)
see power plant scenario (high level) and phone scenario (low level)
aQtive technical documentation for onCue - uses rich scenario for describing architecture
navigation & layout
chapter 5, sections 5.6 and 5.7
see chapter 5 slides above
UI architectures
see chapter 8, section 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
download extract of chapter 8 slides (PDF, 299K) for Seeheim, MVC etc.
web architectures
see chapter 21, section 21.6
download extract of chap 21 slides on web architecture (PDF, 289K)
server-side programming in PHP - introductory tutorial
web form - testing and experimenting with web forms
examples (use view source to see code) ...
dancing histograms - Java applet using data embedded into the page
(also described in a paper 'starting simple' given at AVI'98)
coin race - client-side JavaScript
Professor Alan's square - JavaScript for puzzle
JS also to enable 'syndicated content' (use view source on my home page)
make your own pages use server-side CGI scripts written in PHP
Query-by-Browsing - uses PHP generated pages accessing a MySQL database
the 'heavy' computation is written in C and called from the PHP
see also Alan's chapter Network-Based Interaction in the Jacko and Seers handbook

day 2

task analysis
focused on Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)
see chapter 15, section 15.3
download extract of chapter 15 slides (PDF, 245K)
also of course Diaper and Stanton task analysis collection.
rich work ecologies
see chapter 18, section 18.3
download extract of chapter 18 slides on rich work ecologies (PDF, 382K)
this was based on a keynote "Managing the Ecology of Interaction" that Alan did at the Tamodia conference in 2002
there is a whole chapter on triggers in Diaper and Stanton
see chapter 20, section 20.4
download slides on interactive visualisation (PDF, 3.37M)
download slides on special visualisations (PDF, 4.56M)
see also paper with Geoff Ellis "Starting Simple"
play with dancing histograms
unfortunately the Xerox PARC UI group web site is very incomplete, but you can access papers there on cone trees etc.
several of the Xerox visualisations are marketed by their spin-off inxight
the Maryland group's pages include treemaps and and starfield displays

day 3

user modelling
see chapter 12 for GOMS & KLM, chapter 1 for a bit about human memory, etc., and chapter 11 for a little on user modelling in adaptive help systems
download slides on user modelling (PDF, 928K)
Norman's seven stages of interaction
see chapter 3, section 3.2.2
download extract of chapter 3 slides on the Norman cycle (PDF, 116K)
low-intention and sensor-based interactions
see chapter 18, section 18.4
also Alan's pages in incidental interaction
download extract of chapter 18 slides on sensor-based interaction (PDF, 207K)
you can still download onCue form the old aQtive site!
'intelligent' interfaces
hmm surprisingly little in the HCI book except bits mentioned above for adaptive help and for low-intertion interaction ... perhaps the 4th edition??
also Alan's pages in incidental interaction
download extract of chapter 18 slides on sensor-based interaction (PDF, 207K)
you can still download onCue form the old aQtive site
experiment with Query-by-Browsing
harnessing the power of formalism for understanding interaction
for this and Day 4 materials on formalism see also my chapter Upside down As and algorithms - computational formalisms and theory in Carroll's collection
download slides (PDF, 1.59M)

day 4

using formalism in HCI - from cognitive models to placemats
download slides (PDF, 54K)
dialogue notations - what to do when
see chapter 16
download slides (PDF, 389K)
machine learning
download slides (PDF, 1.65M)
modelling state - looking within
see chapter 17
download slides (PDF, 70K)
widgets and little things
see slides on little things (PDF, 164K)
for more on the evolution of the scroll bar ... see the articles:
Hands Across the Screen - why scrollbars are on the right and other stories.
and Sinister Scrollbar in the Xerox Star Xplained

day 5

Ethnography (Dave Martin)
download slides on ethnography (160K)
other materials in team-ethno online, Patterns of Interaction
look for papers by Rouncefield, Hughes, Clarke and Martin in Lancaster online publications
see chapter 13 for a little bit about ethnography (section 13.3.5) and other socio-technical approaches
Arts and technology
see .:thePooch:. web site
also arts-hci web site and leonardo network
Value and Experience
see chapter 3, section 3.9
also e3/online case studies: 'absolutely crackers' and 'hcibook search - designing value'
download slides (PDF, 70K)
send a virtual cracker!
see my chapter in the funology book about crackers and other aspects of experience design!


Human-Computer Interaction third edition. A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. Abowd and R. Beale. Prentice Hall, 2004.
Main course text. Referred to simply as 'HCI' above. Book website at includes some web links and also a full on-line search facility for the book.
Interaction Design, J. Preece, Y. Rogers and H. Sharp. Wiley, 2002
The successor to the original Preece et al. (see below) The OU had the copyright to the original Preece, but by the time a second edition was due, Jenny and Co. had left the OU. The author team weren't allowed to compete, so they produced a slightly different kind of book!
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Third Edition. Ben Shneiderman. Adisson Wesley, 1997.
Less broad then either Dix et al. or the original Preece, but especially strong in more 'how to do it' information and also visualisation - Ben's main research area.
Human-Computer Interaction. J. Preece, Y. Rogers, H. Sharp, D. Benyon, S. Holland and T. Carey. Addison Wesley, 1994.
Yes the same name ... well what else do you call it!
Used to be our arch rival ... but very good despite that - darn! Interviews are really fun. Harder to find things than in our book, but with more in-depth discursive treatment of some topics. Lots more piccies than we have as well.

edited collections

Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, J. Jacko and A. Sears. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003.
Enormous tome. Chapters by experts in all sorts fo areas of HCI but laregly missing out more implementation focused areas.
<@ book web site>
HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks: Toward an Interdisciplinary Science. J. Carroll. Morgan Kaufmann.
Chapters by experts in different theoretical areas contributing to HCI
Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment. M. Blythe, A. Monk and P. Wright. Kluwer, 2003.
Making interfaces that not only do work but make you feel good!
The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction. D. Diaper & N. Stanton (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.
Long awaited! Dan's previous collection has been out of print for ages and theree has been no good reference about different task analysis techniques. This book covers a wiide range of topics and methods in task analysis and is also comparatively cheap.
Perspectives on HCI, A. Monk and N.Gilbert, Academic Press, 1995
Now hard to get hold of, but still well worth a read. Chapters by individual experts, writing aimed at a mixed audience. Includes chapters on formal methods (by me!), task analysis, cognitive modelling etc.