Alan Dix
- research topics
Undo and History
I've studied aspects of undo off and on since I fist started working in HCI. Work over the years has included generic proofs using the PIE model, formal and conceptual work on multi-user undo (with Gregory Abowd) and use of dynamic pointers as a conceptual and implementation framework.
Recently collaborative work with Roberta Mancini and Stefano Levialdi has revisited single-user undo producing a formal framework that is both more rigorous than previous work and also applicable to other types of system extension, including hypertext history.
Undo is particularly well suited to formal analysis, although the analysis also reveals issues that must be dealt with outside the formal domain. In particular, there are psychological issues about the perceived granularity of undo. Also, the formal analysis of multi-user undo confirmed that some nasty cases will always remain. This lead to a radical rethink of the meaning of the "undo" button and the suggestion that design ought to focus on supporting the user's own undo actions.
There are also links between this work and an on-going study of versioning issues and dynamic pointers
Some of my papers
- A. J. Dix (1991).
Formal methods for interactive
systems - Chapters 2 and 4.
London: Academic Press.
- A. J. Dix (1995).
Dynamic pointers and threads.
Collaborative Computing, 1(3):191-216.
abstract |
full paper (PDF, 200K)
- G. D. Abowd and A. J. Dix (1992).
Giving undo attention.
Interacting with Computers, 4(3): 317-342.
abstract || full
paper (compressed postscript, 112K) || full
paper (PDF, 284K)
- A. J. Dix (1995).
Moving between contexts.
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '95,
Eds. P. Palanque and R. Bastide. Toulouse, France, Springer Wien. pp. 149-173.
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(compressed postscript, 672K) || full
paper (PDF, 124K)
- A. Dix, R. Mancini and S. Levialdi (1996).
Alas I am undone - Reducing the risk of interaction?
HCI'96 Adjunct Proceedings, . Imperial College, London, pp. 51-56.
paper || talk
|| more about Magisoft
- A. Dix, T. Rodden and I. Sommerville (1996).
A Modal Model of Versions.
FAHCI - Formal Aspects of the Human Computer Interface. Sheffield,
Springer Verlag.
- R. Mancini, A. Dix and S. Levialdi (1996).
Formal and Informal Definitions of Undo.
RR9611, University of Huddersfield.
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paper (compressed postscript, 884K) || full
paper (PDF, 171K)
- A. Dix, R. Mancini and S. Levialdi (1997).
Communication, action and history.
Proceedings of CHI'97. Atlanta, USA, ACM Press.
- A. Dix, R. Mancini and S. Levialdi (1997).
The cube - extending systems for undo.
Proceedings of DSVIS'97, Granada, Spain, Eurographics. pp 473-495.
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paper (compressed postscript, 776K) || full
paper (PDF, 111K)
- R. Mancini, A. J. Dix and S. Levialdi (1997).
Dealing with Undo.
Proceedings of Interact'97, Sydney, Australia, Chapman
and Hall.
- A. Dix and R. Mancini (1997).
Specifying history and backtracking mechanisms.
In Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Eds. P. Palanque and
F. Paterno. London, Springer-Verlag. pp. 1-23.
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paper (pdf) || draft
chapter (compressed postscript)
Roberta's thesis
- R. Mancini (1997).
Modelling Interactive Computing by exploiting the Undo.
Dottorato di Ricerca in Informatica, IX-97-5, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Other undo papers
- J. E. Archer, R. Conway and F. B. Schneider (1984). User recovery and
reversal in interactive systems. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages
and Systems, 6:1-19. in
ACM Digital Library
- T. Berlage and M. Spenke (1992). The GINA Interaction Recorder.
Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, J. Larson and C. Unger
(eds), pp. 69-80. North-Holland
- T. Berlage (1994). A selective undo mechanism for graphical user interfaces
based on command objects. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,
1:269-294. in ACM
Digital Library
- R. Choudhary and P. Dewan (1995). A general multi-user undo/redo model.
Proceedings of ECSCW'95, Stockholm, Sweden, H. Marmolin, Y. Sundblad
and K. Schmidt (eds), pp. 231-246. Kluwer Acadamic.
- Frohlich D M, Drew P & Monk A (1994) The management of repair in human
computer interaction. Human Computer Interaction 9:385-425. abstract
- G.B. Leeman (1986). A Formal Approach to Undo Operations in Programming
Languages. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
8(1):50-87 in ACM
Digital Library
- B. A. Myers and D. S. Kosbie (1996). Reusable hierarchical command objects.
Proceedings of CHI96, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 260-267. ACM Press.
in ACM
Digital Library
- A. Prakash and M. J. Knister (1992). Undoing actions in collaborative
work. Proceedings of CSCW'92. Toronto Canada. pp. 273-280, ACM Press.
in ACM
Digital Library
- A. Prakash and M. J. Knister (1994). A framework for undoing actions
in collaborative systems. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,
1(4):295-330. in
ACM Digital Library
- M. Ressel, D. Nitsche-Ruhland and R. Gunzenhşuser (1996). An integrating,
transformation-oriented approach to concurrency control and undo in group
editors. Proceedings of CSCW'96. Boston USA. ACM Press pp. 288-297
in ACM
Digital Library
- M. Ressel and R. Gunzenhöuser (1999). Reducing the problems of group
undo. Proceedings of Group'99. Phoenix,USA. ACM Press, pp. 131-139
in ACM
Digital Library
- B. Shneiderman (1982). The future of interactive systems and the emergence
of direct manipulation. Behaviour and Information Technology, 1(3):237-256.
- C. Sun, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang and D. Chen (1998). Achieving convergence,
causality preservation, and intention preservation in real-time cooperative
editing systems.ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,
5(1):63-108. in ACM
Digital Library
- C. Sun (2000). Undo any operation at any time in group editors. Proceedings
of CSCW'2000, Philadelphia, PA USA, pp. 191-200, ACM Press. in ACM
Digital Library
- H. W. Thimbleby (1990). User Interface Design - Chapter 12: Undo.
Addison Wesley.
- J. S. Vitter (1984). US&R: A new framework for redoing. IEEE
Software, 1(4):39-52.
- P. Wright, A. Monk and M. Harrison (1992). State, display and undo:
a study of consistency in display based interaction. Technical Report,
University of York.
- Y. Yang (1988). A new conceptual model for interactive user recovery
and command reuse facilities. In Proceedings of CHI'88, Addison
Wesley, pp. 165-170. in ACM
Digital Library
- Y. Yang (1988). Undo support models. International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 28:457-481.
maintained by Alan Dix