dream time
dream time
the years roll
western sunrise, fire-red, livid
sets calm purple in the east
summer turns
to spring, spring to winter
red brown leaves hold the promise of future sunlight
decay becomes
forgetting forgiving
full moon new
a hundred moon months and another hundred
a winter day
steel and white linen
she lies in darkness
eyes closed
knowing the need for becoming
pushing, crushing,
bone grates on bone
screaming, screaming inside
breathless silent cries
then thrust
from darkness to light
from security to potentiality
gasping first breath, harsh on empty lungs
venting pain, feeling comfort
feeding on a heaving breast
I am there
I cry I laugh
knowing what two hundred moons will bring
dream time
I fly
arms move like wings
like slow fins in thick water
one beat per day
winter turns
to spring
gliding through months
chasing rosy fingered eos
in a garden
is it eden
the land where the golden fleece hung
serpent protected
amongst animate bones
just a garden
leaf dappled light on rich earth
unseen yet
oddly familiar
as if
it were my own
or the garden of my dreams
a bird sits
in a bush
it flies
something there
the branches sway
a faint sound
a breath held tight
not daring to be heard
a smell catches the nostrils
oddly familiar
a shift
someone else's dream
bison on a
distant plain
prairie grass
endless wind blown waves to a gently undulating horizon
a bird stands
on a grass head pecking seeds
the trill of grasshoppers
the smell of deep hot summers
warm earth sun dried hay
breaking the timeless moment
a whoop and trample of hooves
brown skinned dark haired riders
eager to be first to kill
and trample
turns to thunder
two hundred tons of sweat flecked flesh
like a swaying curtain on a summer evening
like an autumn bird cloud
like a winter snow slurry
like translucent sun sparkled spring drizzle
a hundred beasts
as one fluid whole
then split by horse and rider
then join again
until one is
perhaps weakest
perhaps youngest
perhaps just unlucky
a soul cut from its roots
trying to lose itself again in the bison stream
at bay
pawing dry red earth
hay making
the first arrow
fear turns to desperation
death daring riders beneath foam filled nostrils
eager to kill
eager to die
each sweep
of horned head slower
each arrow
each spear thrust
blood washes sweat and foam
'til calm at last it falls to its knees and slowly, so slowly
upon its side
last breaths
dry earth soaked red
beneath the
black of an endless land-ocean sky
laughter and children
dancing and song
and that smell
oddly familiar
fires amongst the dancers
turning dark bodies into supernatural shifting shapes
transforming magic from the flames
and amongst
the wood smoke, blaze and glowing embers
another smell, rich, wholesome
brings memories of my own
times of dreams
camp fires and smoke savoured charred meat
but like some distant poor echo of this more real feast
two hundred
mouths fed and fed again from one
like mother to the tribe
feeding them upon her cloven breast
eating flesh
amongst skin wrapped tents
a people living in a raw live world
whose dreams and life are one
the bushes
move again
held breath breaks into the sound of muffled laughter
between the swaying branches
a face
a girl
bright painted
sun darkened
a fire of twigs
string strung bow
but proud and
daring danger and life
like those braves
life hungry
death challenging
heart beating
with the dance
dream time
or real time
beginning or destination
seed start or heart home
I wake
it is real