how can it be
how can it be
that sweat, and blood, and thorns
should be glory
and how can you see
broken limbs, torn flesh and a gouged side
and call it might
and can it be that even in our midst
in withered and fading bodies
you light a fire
that burns brighter than the sun
do you have an answer lord?
how can it be
that this world so wracked with pain
you made it and called it good
and how can it be
that while so many starve
we should ask for daily bread
do you have an answer lord?
and you give us an answer
and he cries
and wets himself,
and sucks on a breast
you give us an answer
and he makes friends
drinks wine
and parties
you give us an answer
and he dies
yet it is a good answer lord,
a very good answer
the best