- this moment lasts forever
stranded on
the quay side
broken flaking paint
a small wood ship that once sailed free
now ploughs rock and cement
dead barnacles
still coat her hull
the keel sweeps proud
remembers the caress of waves
longing to return
further on
the quayside
a giant anchor lies
steadfastly holding firm
to a broken rusty chain
still floating
on the water
amongst the cranes and sails
Stubnitz another aging hulk
remembers former days
she steamed
upon the Baltic sea
the ice flows and the swell
storm and winds and fog and rain
and calm unsettling breeze
with dead
fish piled on the deck
and frozen fish below
full holds that fed the city's life
torn from an ocean hell
with quotas
and cheap imports
her fishing days long past
though never sailing far away
she keeps a secret life
in the dark
of evening
the city deep asleep
like waves and gulls and calm and storm
she shudders to her beat
and as the
people troop aboard
their hands are stamped STRENG GEHEIN!
as if the things they do within
should never be revealed
as if the things we feel within
should never be revealed
in depths
of darkened decks
corrosion holds new birth
where frozen fish were held below
fevered bodies writhe
the call of
sea-worn sailors
becomes a bass refrain
as if the heart of Rostock
beat with human flesh
life it is
a dance we make
of passion and desire
like gentle fingers on my face
and steel deck below
although we
met at midnight
we parted with the dawn
it's hard to say a last goodbye
when threads of life are tied
I walked along
the river quay
in clear light of day
music from the circus tent
and waves beat a different key
the tiger
pacing in its cage
we catch each others eye
beautiful to look at
and dangerous to hold
dangerous to think about
but tempting me to try
as I recall
the Stubnitz
the fish, the storm, the dance
it says hold fast the heart within
and never be afraid
it may be
just the wine we drank
and maybe it's the beer
but all that seems important now
we're together and we're here
maybe some
day we'll meet again
most likely we shall not
but one thing I am certain of
this moment lasts forever
the one thing that can never change
this moment lasts forever