We are each individual – so easy to say and so easy to forget.
In this lesson we consider the way intellectual tools, including the techniques taught in this course, can be used to compliment your own strengths, allowing you to achieve creative goals without changing who you are. As an example of creative practice I offer a view into a day of my own life and some of the techniques I use to help me.
7.1 Personality Prosthesis
Do you ever find yourself apologising for aspect of your personality: “if only I were more tidy”, “if only I were better at time management”, .”sorry about the state of my desk”, … ?
You treat yourself in ways you would never do to your users.
In this section we’ll discuss ways in which you can succeed given who you are rather than trying to change who you are.
7.2 A Day in the Life
We are all different: maybe you are a morning person doing your best work before breakfast, maybe one who likes to burn the midnight oil.
In this section I talk through a particular morning when I was in the middle of producing the “time managing creativity” and in the midst of trying to work out an appropriate structure. We’ll see some of the ways in which creative ideas are nurtured and captured.