(British Computer Society Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction)
20 January 1999The Octagon
full proceedings now on-line |
To find correct answers to these, as with all design problems, we must surely match the technology to the needs. Sometimes, for marketing or image reasons this means using the newest technology just because it is the newest and sexiest. But when functionality and usability matter it is likely to mean using a blend of technologies and often a socio-technical solution, involving, dare we say it, people!
This day conference, appropriately termed "The Active Web", focused on issues surrounding dynamic interfaces for the Web. Papers were invited from practitioners and researchers on (but not limited to) the following:
Accepted papers were distributed as extended abstracts at the conference and subsequently we intend to publish a book based on full papers and additional material.
In addition to the spoken paper presentations below, various posters and demonstrations were available for viewing during the breaks. Full details of all papers and posters presented on the day are available in the on-line proceedings.
9.15 | Registration and Tea/Coffee |
10.00 | Introduction Dave Clarke and Alan Dix |
Adaptable Hypermedia with Web Standards and Tools Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen and Dick Bulterman CWI, Amsterdam |
Browsing Video Content Peter Macer1, Peter Thomas2 1Hewlett Packard Research Labs, UK; 2University of the West of England |
Using Visualisation to Interpret Search Engine Results Ratvinder Grewal, Mike Jackson, Jon Wallis and Peter Burden University of Wolverhampton |
11.15 | Tea/Coffee |
11.45 | A Stable View of the Hyperactive Web George Buchanan, Gil Marsden, Thomas Tan, Yin Leng Theng and Harold Thimbleby Middlesex University |
Patterns and Components: Capturing the Lasting amidst the Changing Hans-W Gellersen1, Fernando Lyardet2, Martin Gaedke1, Daniel Schwabe3 and Gustavo Rossi2 1TecO,University of Karlsruhe, Germany; 2LIFIA, Depto de Informtica, UNLP, Argentina; 3Depto de Informtica, PUC-RIO, Brazil |
A Case Study in Designing a Document-centric Groupware Application over the Internet P Ciancarini and F Vitali University of Bologna, Italy |
12.45 | Lunch |
14.15 | Impedance Matching: Enhancing Temporal Interactivity on the Web Devina Ramduny Staffordshire University |
Communicating with Avatars in Virtual 3D Worlds Volker Thoma, Andrea Haf and Arno Hitzges Fraunhofer Institut, Germany |
Beyond Webcams and Videoconferencing: Informal Video Communication on the Web Nicolas Roussel Universite de Paris-Sud, France |
15.15 | Tea/Coffee |
15.45 | AIMS - Academic Information Management System Gareth Hughes Southampton University |
Dynamic Web-based Information Management Matt Pearcey1, Darren Pywell2 and David Tattersall2 1Intergral Ltd, 2Intergral GmbH |
Personalized Shopping in the Web by Monitoring the Customer Tanja Jording and Stefan Michel Dresden University of Technology |
Closing Discussion |
17.00 | End of Day Conference |
aQtive limited sponsored a number of student bursaries for the event.
David Clarke | +44 (0) 410 481863 | D.Clarke@visualize.uk.com |
Alan Dix | +44 (0) 1785 353428 | A.J.Dix@soc.staffs.ac.uk |
David Clarke | Visualize Software Ltd, UK |
Alan Dix | Staffordshire University, UK |
Saul Greenberg | University of Calgary, Canada |
David Jennings | DJ Associates, UK |
In addition, an international review committee assisted with the paper review process. |
School of Computing | British HCI Group |
Last updated 20 March 1999