A British HCI Group meeting

(British Computer Society Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction)

Time and the Web

19 June 1997

The Octagon
Staffordshire University


workshop report to appear in January 1998 SIGCHI Bulletin

contact || abstracts and papers || final programme

Graphics, information, waiting, ... java, multimedia, waiting, ..
hypertext, waiting, ... global networking, waiting, ... waiting, ... waiting ...

Modern user interface paradigms depend on direct manipulation, rapid response and immediate semantic feedback. Up until the early 80s response time was a recognised problem, but with the advent of personal computing and graphical interfaces, user interface designers have often assumed that machines will be fast enough. Response delays were no longer an interesting problem - ever faster computers would make the problem go away.

The web has given the lie to this assumption - exponential growth in traffic has lead to ever increasing network delays and bottlenecks at over-used servers. Even if we imagine that network capacity could overtake growth in usage, we are ultimately faced with the fundamental limitations of the speed of light. Delays are here to stay.

All this has highlighted the role of temporal issues in human-computer interaction:

This meeting will build on the growing interest in this area, in particular on the popular workshop on Temporal Aspects of Usability held at Glasgow in 1995, The Missing Link: Hypermedia Usability held at the Open University in 1996, and the mass of recent work on user interfaces and CSCW for the web.

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For further information contact the organisers:

David Clarke

+44 (0) 1785-353568


Alan Dix

+44 (0) 1785-353428


Devina Ramduny

+44 (0) 1785-353255


David Trepess

+44 (0) 1785-353509


School of Computing British HCI Group

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