Hypertext is when portions of text wihin one or more documents link to one another. The source location is often called an 'anchor', hence the tag "<a>" in HTML. The target of this can point to whole document links, as commonly found in the web or this glossary, but can also include richer connections. For example, several early hypertext systems offered multiple outward links from a single anchor point, say, to offer different links for people with different kinds expertise (engineers or users), or different levels of knowledge (high-school or university students). Often hypertext systems, such as the web include different media such as images or videos, and the term hypermedia may be used to distinguish those where this is a major aspect of the information.
Within AI, hypertexts may be a source of knowledge (as in the way Wikipedia has been mined to create the DBpedia dataset), as an application to support in an intelligent user interface (for example, tracking common paths through the system and suggestingthese to future users), or as an output when links or indeed parts of the text are autimatically generated.
Used in Chap. 16: pages 256, 259; Chap. 17: page 277; Chap. 19: page 320