Terms in bold have additional details (short description, links, etc.).
Those in italics are stubs at present, just pointing to relevant pages in the book.
- A* algorithm
- abductive reasoning
- accountability
- accuracy
- accuracy measure
- ACT*
- activation function
- active vision
- activity recognition
- Ada Lovelace - See Lovelace, Ada
- adjacency statistics
- adversarial attacks
- adversarial learning
- adversarial search
- agents- has subentries
- aggregation for privacy
- AGI - See artificial general intelligence
- AI arms race
- AI winter
- algorithmic accountability
- alien intelligence
- alpha–beta pruning
- AlphaFold
- AlphaGo
- AlphaGo Zero
- AlphaZero
- Alvey Programme
- ambiguity- has subentries
- ambiguous image
- analogical reasoning
- analogy- has subentries
- analytic rules - See procedural knowledge
- Analytical Engine
- Anderson, John Robert
- Andrey Andreyevich Markov - See Markov, Andrey
- anonymisation
- anonymous identifier
- anti-discrimination laws
- antecedent-driven reasoning - See bottom-up reasoning
- Apache Hadoop
- aperture
- application phase
- appropriate intelligence
- appropriating technology - See appropriation
- appropriation
- architecture
- AREA framework
- area under the curve
- arithmetic mean
- ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average)
- artificial emotion
- artificial general intelligence
- artificial human intelligence - See artificial
- artificial imagination
- artificial intelligence- has subentries
- artificial life
- artificial neural networks
- artificial society
- Asimov, Isaac
- aspect ratio
- associative memory
- asymmetric distribution
- attention
- attention mechanisms
- augmented transition network
- authority file
- auto-associative memory
- auto-complete
- auto-regressive model
- autoencoder
- automated decision
- automation bias
- autonomous vehicle
- autonomous weapons
- avoidance mechanisms - See obstacle avoidance
- avoidance rules - See obstacle avoidance
- A* algorithm - See A* algorithm
- B-splines
- Babbage, Charles
- backpropagation
- backtracking
- backward branching factor - See branching factor
- backward chaining - See backward reasoning
- backward reasoning
- bag of words
- Bard
- base rate
- Bayes Theorem
- Bayesian methods
- Bayesian network
- Berners-Lee, Tim
- best first search
- bias
- bibliographic database
- bibliographic search
- Big Blue
- big data
- binary image
- bitmap image
- black-box machine learning
- blackboard architecture
- blind search
- Boden, Margaret
- Boltzmann machine
- Bombe
- Boolean network
- boosting
- bootstrapping
- boredom
- bottom-up algorithm - See bottom-up reasoning
- bottom-up reasoning
- boundary example
- boundary objects
- brain architecture
- branch and bound search
- branching factor
- breadth first search
- Byzantine conditions
- C4.5
- Cambridge Analytica scandal
- camera- has subentries
- cardinality of set
- care robots
- Cartesian coordinates
- case grammar
- case memory
- case-based reasoning
- cellular automata
- central example
- centroid
- cerebral cortex
- certainty factors
- changes in status - See status change event
- Charniak, Eugene
- chatbot
- ChatGPT
- chess - See computer chess
- chess heuristic
- chess program
- chi-squared
- childhood cognitive development
- Chinese room argument
- choice of features
- chunking
- classification
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Clippy
- closed list
- closed world assumption
- closed-loop control
- cloud computation
- clustering
- co-operating agents - See cooperating agents
- cognitive architecture
- coherence of clusters
- coin-weighing problem
- combinatorial explosion
- common ground
- common sense - See domain-independent knowledge
- competitive learning
- compliant motion
- computational argument
- computer chess
- computer vision
- concept learning
- conditional probability
- confidence
- confidence in output
- confidence measures
- confidence rating
- configuration parameters
- configuration space
- confusion matrix
- connectionist model
- conscious
- consciousness
- consequent-driven reasoning - See bottom-up reasoning
- conservative warnings
- constraint propagation
- constraint satisfaction
- constraint solving - See constraint satisfaction
- constraints
- context of human activity
- context in language
- context-aware interaction
- context-free grammar
- context-sensitive grammar
- context sensitivity
- contingency table
- continuity in learning
- continuous distribution
- contour following
- convariance
- converge
- convolutional neural network
- convolutions
- Conway, John
- cooperating agents