Terms in bold have additional details (short description, links, etc.).
Those in italics are stubs at present, just pointing to relevant pages in the book.
- A* algorithm
- abductive reasoning
- accountability
- accuracy
- accuracy measure
- ACT*
- activation function
- active vision
- activity recognition
- Ada Lovelace - See Lovelace, Ada
- adjacency statistics
- adversarial attacks
- adversarial learning
- adversarial search
- agents- has subentries
- aggregation for privacy
- AGI - See artificial general intelligence
- AI arms race
- AI winter
- algorithmic accountability
- alien intelligence
- alpha–beta pruning
- AlphaFold
- AlphaGo
- AlphaGo Zero
- AlphaZero
- Alvey Programme
- ambiguity- has subentries
- ambiguous image
- analogy- has subentries
- analytic rules - See procedural knowledge
- Analytical Engine
- Anderson, John Robert
- Andrey Andreyevich Markov - See Markov, Andrey
- anonymisation
- anonymous identifier
- anti-discrimination laws
- antecedent-driven reasoning - See bottom-up reasoning
- Apache Hadoop
- aperture
- application phase
- appropriate intelligence
- appropriating technology - See appropriation
- appropriation
- architecture
- AREA framework
- area under the curve
- arithmetic mean
- ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average)
- artificial empathy - See empathy
- artificial emotion
- artificial general intelligence
- artificial human intelligence - See artificial
- artificial imagination
- artificial intelligence- has subentries
- history - See history of AI
- artificial life
- artificial neural networks
- artificial society
- Asimov, Isaac
- aspect ratio
- associative memory
- asymmetric distribution
- attention
- attention mechanisms
- augmented transition network
- authority file
- auto-associative memory
- auto-complete
- auto-regressive model
- autoencoder
- automated decision
- automation bias
- autonomous vehicle
- autonomous weapons
- avoidance mechanisms - See obstacle avoidance
- avoidance rules - See obstacle avoidance
- A* algorithm - See A* algorithm
- B-splines
- Babbage, Charles
- backpropagation
- backtracking
- backward branching factor - See branching factor
- backward chaining - See backward reasoning
- backward reasoning
- bag of words
- Bard
- base rate
- Bayes Theorem
- Bayesian methods
- Bayesian network
- Berners-Lee, Tim
- best first search
- bias
- bibliographic database
- bibliographic search
- Big Blue
- big data
- binary image
- bitmap image
- black-box machine learning
- blackboard architecture
- blind search
- Boden, Margaret
- Boltzmann machine
- Bombe
- Boolean network
- boosting
- bootstrapping
- boredom
- bottom-up algorithm - See bottom-up reasoning
- bottom-up reasoning
- boundary example
- boundary objects
- brain architecture
- branch and bound search
- branching factor
- breadth first search
- Byzantine conditions
- C4.5
- Cambridge Analytica scandal
- camera- has subentries
- cardinality of set
- care robots
- Cartesian coordinates
- case grammar
- case memory
- case-based reasoning
- cellular automata
- central example
- centroid
- cerebral cortex
- certainty factors
- changes in status - See status change event
- Charniak, Eugene
- chatbot
- ChatGPT
- chess - See computer chess
- chess heuristic
- chess program
- Chi squared
- childhood cognitive development
- Chinese room argument
- choice of features
- chunking
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- class segmention
- classification
- Clippy
- closed list
- closed world assumption
- closed-loop control
- cloud computation
- clustering
- co-operating agents - See cooperating agents
- cognitive architecture
- coherence of clusters
- coin-weighing problem
- combinatorial explosion
- common ground
- common sense - See domain-independent knowledge
- competitive learning
- compliant motion
- computational argument
- computer chess
- computer vision
- concept learning
- conditional probability
- confidence
- confidence in output
- confidence measures
- confidence rating
- configuration parameters
- configuration space
- confusion matrix
- connectionist model
- conscious
- consciousness
- consequent-driven reasoning - See bottom-up reasoning
- conservative warnings
- constraint propagation
- constraint satisfaction
- constraint solving - See constraint satisfaction
- constraints
- context of human activity
- context in language
- context-aware interaction
- context-free grammar
- context-sensitive grammar
- contingency table
- continuity in learning
- continuous distribution
- contour following
- convariance
- converge
- convolutional neural network
- convolutions
- Conway, John
- cooperating agents
- correlation
- correlation matrix
- cosine similarity
- cost–benefit
- counterfactual reasoning
- cousin relationship
- creativity
- credit assignment
- critical point
- cross-validation
- crowdsourcing
- Cuban missile crisis
- current state
- current state representation
- cyberattack
- cyberwarfare
- cyberweapons
- CYC Project
- cyclotorsion
- Daleks
- Damasio, Antonio
- Dartmouth Workshop
- data-driven reasoning - See forward reasoning
- data cleaning
- data detector
- data documentation
- data fusion - See sensor fusion
- data reduction
- data structure
- data validation
- data wrangling
- database
- database identifier
- database query
- DBpedia
- de-bias
- de-trending - See trend removal
- decibel
- decision table
- decision support system
- decision tree
- decision trees - See decision tree
- decision tree in IVR
- deduction - See deductive reasoning
- declarative knowledge
- deductive learning
- deductive reasoning
- Deep Blue
- deep fakes
- deep learning - See deep neural network
- deep neural network- has subentries
- definite clause grammar
- degrees of freedom (data)
- degrees of freedom (robotics)
- deliberate misinformation
- delta
- denial of service (DoS)
- dependent feature
- dependent variable
- depth first search
- depth of field
- depth of search tree
- depth perception
- derivational analogy
- Descartes, Réne
- design fiction
- deterministic
- deterministic algorithms
- deterministic ground
- deterministic search
- dialogue component
- dialogue- has subentries
- Difference Engine
- differential (calculus)
- diffusion models
- digital filtering
- digital signal processing
- digitization
- dimension reduction
- directed graph
- disambiguation
- discontinuous
- discrete distributions
- disinformation - See misinformation
- distributed AI
- distributed cognition
- divide and conquer
- document retrieval
- domain knowledge - See domain-specific knowledge
- domain-independent knowledge
- domain-specific knowledge
- dominoes
- dot-com period
- down-sampling
- dreaming
- Dreyfus, Hubert
- drunkards walk
- DSP - See digital signal processing
- dualism
- dynamic function allocation
- EBL - See explanation-based learning
- echo chambers
- edge detection
- edge following
- egocentrism
- eigenvalues - See eigenvector
- eigenvector
- eight queens problem
- email filtering agents
- embodied
- embodied agents
- emergent behaviour
- emotion
- emotion recognition
- empathy
- energy landscape
- Enigma machine
- ensemble methods- has subentries
- entity recognition
- entropy
- epiphenomenon
- epistemic action
- epistemic interaction
- equilibrium
- ethics
- Euclidean distance
- European General Data Protection Regulation - See GDPR
- event
- event stream
- evidence-based medicine
- exception sets
- exclusive or problem - See XOR problem
- expert knowledge
- expert labelling
- expert system- has subentries
- explainable AI
- explanation
- explanation component
- explanation-based learning
- explicit confirmation
- exploration-exploitation trade-off
- exponential decay
- exponential growth
- extensional representation
- external semantics
- F score
- Facebook
- facial recognition
- fake news
- false negative
- false positive
- Fast Fourier Transform
- fault tolerant
- feasibility
- feasible solution
- feasible state
- feature interaction
- feature sets
- federated learning
- feedback
- feedback phenomena
- feeling
- few-shot learning - See single-shot learning
- Fifth Generation Computer Programme
- figure-ground separation
- filter bubbles
- finite impulse response
- finite state machine
- firewalls
- first-order difference
- first-order predicate calculus
- fitness function
- fitness landscape
- fixation point
- flocking behaviour
- fMRI
- focus
- forgetful hill climbing
- formal grammar
- formal logic
- forward branching factor - See branching factor
- forward chaining - See forward reasoning
- forward reasoning
- foundation models
- four knights problem
- fourier analysis
- Fourier transform
- fovea
- frame - See frame problem
- frame axiom - See frame problem
- frame of video
- frame problem
- frame rate
- Francis Crick
- Frankenstein
- frequency domain
- frequency space
- fully connected
- function allocation
- fuzzy logic
- fuzzy reasoning
- fuzzy set theory
- Game of Life
- game playing- has subentries
- game theory
- game tree
- game tree searches
- GAN - See generative adversarial network
- Gaussian distribution - See Normal distribution
- Gaussian filter
- general knowledge - See domain-independent knowledge
- general problem solving
- generalisation
- generate and filter
- generate and test
- generations
- generative
- generative adversarial network
- generative AI
- genes
- genetic algorithm
- genetic programming
- genotype
- geometric constraints
- GeoNames
- gestalt
- gesture recognition
- gig economy
- glial cells
- global feedback
- global maximum
- global minimum
- global planning
- global search
- global synchronisation of oscillations
- global workspace theory
- Go
- goal state
- goal-driven reasoning
- Gödel, Kurt
- Google
- Google alerts
- Google Gemini
- Google PageRank - See PageRank
- Google search
- GPT-3
- GPT-4
- gradient ascent
- graceful degradation
- gradient-descent
- gradient filters
- gradient operators
- grammar- has subentries
- grammar fragment
- grammar rules
- grammar-free approaches
- graph identifier
- graph search
- graphical information systems
- graphics processing unit
- grey-box techniques
- grey matter
- grey scale
- grey-scale image
- Grices's conversational maxims
- ground truth
- gut feeling
- Hadoop - See Apache Hadoop
- HAL 9000
- handwriting recognition
- hard problem of consciousness
- hard threshold
- Hardy, Thomas
- Harr wavelets
- Herbert A. Simon - See Simon, Herbert
- heteroassociative memory
- heterogeneous events
- heterogeneous sources
- heuristic evaluation function
- heuristic information - See heuristic evaluation function
- heuristic search
- heuristics - See heuristic evaluation function
- Hick's law
- hidden Markov model
- hidden state
- hierarchical grammars
- high-level programming languages
- higher-order function
- hill climbing algorithm
- hill climbing with backtracking
- history of AI
- historical representation
- HMM - See hidden Markov model
- hold out
- home automation
- homeostasis
- homogeneous events
- Hopfield networks
- hotspot analysis
- human bias
- human brain project
- human computation
- human computers
- human in the loop - See human-in-the-loop
- human emotion
- human feeling
- human insight
- human intelligence- has subentries
- human labelling
- human memory
- human perception
- human senses
- human vision
- human working memory
- Human Computer Interaction
- human-in-the-loop
- hybrid
- hybrid AI
- hybrid AI/statistical system
- hybrid architecture
- hybrid expert system
- hybrid human–AI
- hybrid layers
- hybrid problems
- hybrid systems - See hybrid AI
- hypertext
- hypothesis-driven reasoning
- IBM Watson
- ID3
- identity theft
- if this then that - See IFTTT
- image processing
- image recognition
- image thresholding
- image understanding
- imagination
- imitation game
- implicit feedback
- implicit interaction
- immune system
- incidental interaction
- independent variable
- induction
- inductive learning
- inductive reasoning
- Industry 4.0
- industrial robotics
- inexact search
- inference
- infinite impulse response
- information
- information entropy - See entropy
- information gain
- information gain ratio
- information preserving
- information processing
- information visualisation
- inhibition
- insight
- instabilities
- intellectual property
- intelligence- has subentries
- intelligent user interfaces
- intentional representation
- intentionality
- interactive visualisation
- interactive voice response
- intercept
- intermittent rewards
- internet of things
- interpretation of user actions
- interpreter
- interquartile range
- IoT - See internet of things
- iterative broadening
- iterative deepening
- IVR - See interactive voice response
- Jaccard similarity
- Jacquard loom
- JavaScript
- Jeopardy!
- John Hopfield
- John Laird - See Laird, John
- John Robert Anderson - See Anderson, John Robert
- John Searle - See Searle, John
- Joseph Weizenbaum - See Weizenbaum, Joseph
- junk DNA
- k-fold cross-validation
- k-means algorithm
- KAN - See Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
- Kasparov, Garry
- kernel
- keyword matching
- knowledge acquisition
- knowledge base
- knowledge-based system
- knowledge elicitation- has subentries
- knowledge engineer
- knowledge- has subentries
- knowledge representation- has subentries
- knowledge-rich reasoning
- knowledge-rich search
- knowledge-rich AI
- Kohonen networks
- Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
- Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem
- labelling
- Laird, John
- language understanding - See natural language understanding
- Laplacian operator
- Laplacian-of-Gaussian filter
- large language model meta AI - See LLaMA
- large language model
- latent semantic analysis
- latent space
- lateral inhibition
- laws of robotics
- learning rate
- learning phase
- least squares
- least squares estimate
- Lee Sedol
- Lego-style matching
- Lemoine, Blake
- Lenat, Doug
- Lex
- lexical processing
- lexicon
- liberal suggestions
- Licklider, J.C.R.
- LiGO
- limb control
- line labelling
- linear discriminant analysis
- linear filter
- linear growth operator - See LiGO
- linearly inseparable
- linear patches - See piecewise linear
- linear planning
- linear regression
- linearly separable
- link structure
- linked data
- linked data cloud
- Lisp- has subentries
- Llanfairpwll
- LLM - See large language model
- loans example - See production system
- local data access
- local feedback
- local maximum
- local minima/maxima
- local minimum
- local planning
- local search
- locality
- logarithm base
- logarithmic transform
- logic- has subentries
- logic programming
- logistic function
- logic representation
- logical reasoning
- logic rules
- long-tail distribution
- long-term memory
- long-term potentiation
- long-term short-term memory networks
- LoRA
- Lovelace, Ada
- lower bound
- machine learning- has subentries
- macro languages
- magic square
- magic squares - See magic square
- Manhatten block distance
- map
- MapReduce
- Markov, Andrey
- Markov model
- markup
- Marr's primal sketch
- Mary Shelley - See Shelley, Mary
- materialism - See physicalism
- mathematical optimisation
- MDS - See multi-dimensional scaling
- means-ends analysis
- measure of uncertainty - See uncertainty measure
- memorizing
- memory
- memristor
- method acting
- microdata
- microformats
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Clippy
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Tay
- microtubules
- minimax score
- minimax search
- misinformation
- misinformation detection
- modal
- modal user interface
- mode
- monocular vision
- monotonic reasoning
- monte carlo algorithm - See Monte Carlo techniques
- Monte Carlo search
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Monte Carlo tree search
- moving average
- moving average model
- moving images
- moving obstacles
- moving pictures - See moving images
- multi-dimensional scaling
- multi-layer neural network
- multi-layer perceptron
- multi-linear regression
- multi-objective optimisation
- multimodal interfaces
- multiple images
- mutual information - See information gain
- mutual inhibition
- n-gram
- named entity recognition
- named graphs
- namespace
- National Insurance number
- natural language algorithms
- natural language database query
- natural language processing- has subentries
- natural language understanding
- natural logarithm
- natural selection
- negation as failure
- NETtalk
- network analysis
- network representation
- network routing
- network visualisation
- neural correlates of consciousness
- neural network
- neural-network architecture
- neuron
- neurone
- neurosymbolc AI
- NewWave
- Newell, Alan
- NLP - See natural language processing
- non-linear functions
- non-linear transformations
- non-locality - See locality
- non-monotonic reasoning
- non-overlapping windows
- non-terminal symbols
- non-time domain transformations
- non-zero-sum game
- nonlinear planning
- Normal distribution
- normalised information gain - See information gain ratio
- normalised mutual information
- normalisation
- Normally distributed - See Normal distribution
- noughts and crosses
- obfuscation
- object identification- has subentries
- object recognition
- object-oriented architecture
- object-oriented programming
- objective function - See fitness function
- obstacle avoidance
- observation–action mapping
- Occam's razor
- OCR (optical character recognition)
- octree
- onCue
- ontology
- ontology editors
- OpenAI
- open AI
- open list
- open source
- open world assumption
- open-loop control
- OPS5
- optical character recognition - See OCR (optical character recognition)
- optical flow
- optimal
- optimal classification
- optimal route
- optimal solution
- optimisation
- optional values
- outliers
- overfitting
- overlearning
- Ovid
- PageRank
- parallax
- parallel coordinates
- parallel processing
- Pareto frontier
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Pareto-optimal
- parse tree
- parser
- part-of-speech tagger
- partially labelled data
- partial state
- pattern matching
- pattern recognition
- Pavlov, Ivan
- Pavlovian learning
- pen-based systems
- Penrose, Roger
- penumbra
- percentiles
- perception
- perceptron
- Pereira, Fernando
- periodicity
- personal information management
- personal information search - See personal information management
- personal knowledge management - See personal information management
- perturbation techniques
- phase
- phase changes
- phoneme labelling
- phenomenological
- phenotype
- philosophical issues of AI
- Phone Slave
- phonetic typewriter
- physical constraints
- physical symbol system hypothesis
- physicalism
- piecewise linear
- PIM - See personal information management
- pinch-point layer
- placing dominoes
- plateau
- Pogoing robots
- pole balancing
- policy network
- poorly constrained
- Poplog
- POS tagger
- position independent
- positive feedback
- positive regret
- power law distribution
- pragmatic
- pragmatic AI - See pragmatic approach to AI
- pragmatic analysis
- pragmatic ambiguity
- pragmatic approach to AI
- pre-processing
- pre-whitening
- precision
- precision–recall trade-off
- predicate logic
- pressure feedback
- principal components analysis
- principal eigenvector
- prisoner's dilemma
- privacy
- privacy preserving algorithms
- probabilistic approaches
- probabilistic process
- probabilistic reasoning
- probability
- probability density
- probability distribution
- probability estimate
- probability table
- probability theory
- probability transition
- probability-based cut-off
- procedural knowledge
- proceduralisation
- production rules
- production system- has subentries
- programmable user models
- programming-by-demonstration
- Prolog
- property inheritance
- propositional logic
- protected characteristic
- Protégé
- provenance
- proxy indicator
- pruning- has subentries
- pseudonymisation
- Pygmalion
- Python
- quadtree
- quadstores
- qualia
- quantifiers
- quantum computing
- quartile
- quasi-periodic
- Query-by-Browsing
- query interpreter
- Quinlan, Ross
- radial basis functions
- random decision forest - See random forest
- random forest
- random segmentation
- random walk
- randomising the order
- rapid serial switching
- rapid serial visualisation
- RBM - See Restricted Boltzmann Machine
- RDF triple notation
- RDF triplestore
- reactive movement
- readout
- reasoning - See readout- has subentries
- reasoning by analogy
- reasoning over networks
- reasoning systems
- reasoning with certainty factors - See certainty factors
- reasoning with uncertainty
- recall
- receiver operating characteristic - See ROC
- receptive field
- recidivism
- recognition phase
- recommender systems
- recurrent neural network
- reduce
- redundancy
- region detection
- region growing
- regression line
- regret
- regular expression
- reification
- reinforcement
- reinforcement learning
- relational database
- relaxation term
- relevance feedback
- relevance information
- reparameterisation
- res cogitans
- res extensa
- rescue dogs
- responsibility
- reservoir computing
- residuals
- resource description framework - See RDF
- resource description framework schema - See RDFS
- responsible innovation
- Restricted Boltzmann Machine
- restricted language
- ridge
- risk avoidance
- RNN - See recurrent neural network
- Robert Wadlow
- Robert's operator
- robotic process automation
- robotics- has subentries
- robust to failure
- Ross Quinlan - See Quinlan, Ross
- rote learning
- route planning
- Rubin's vase
- rule induction
- saccades
- SAIL databank
- salience
- sample rate
- sampling bias
- sanity checks
- satisficing
- scale-related variability
- schema.org
- scientific data
- screen scraping
- script
- scrutability
- search- has subentries
- search engine
- search engine personalisation
- search horizon
- search methods
- search space
- search strategies
- search techniques
- search terms
- search tree- has subentries
- Searle, John
- seasonal adjustments
- segmentation
- segmentation rule
- self learning
- self play
- self-organising map
- self-organizing network - See self-organising map
- semantic analysis
- semantic desktop
- semantic grammar
- semantic integrity
- semantic markup
- semantic network
- semantic similarity
- semantic web
- semi-autonomous car
- semi-structured data
- semi-supervised learning
- sensation
- senses
- sensitivity
- sensitivity analysis
- sensor accuracy
- sensor fusion
- sensor redundancy
- sentence parsing- has subentries
- sentence parsing methods
- sentence-level processing
- sequence order
- set theory
- sexual selection
- sharding
- sharpening filters
- sheep dogs
- Shelley, Mary
- short-term memory
- sigmoid activation function
- sigmoid function
- signal processing
- similarity
- similarity matrix
- similarity measure
- Simon, Herbert
- simulated annealing
- simulated data
- single step learning
- single-shot learning
- singularity
- Skinner, B. F.
- Skynet
- sleeping phase
- smart dust
- smoothing
- Snip!t
- SOAR- has subentries
- Sobel's operator
- social machine
- social media
- social media bots
- social responsibility
- soft constraints
- soft-robotics
- software agents
- software ring-fence
- solution path
- solution state
- sonar
- sources of bias
- sparse connections
- sparse matrix
- spatial reasoning
- spectrogram
- speech acts
- speech recognition
- spikes
- spiking neural network
- spin glass models
- sporadic sample
- spreading activation
- square matrices
- standard deviation
- standard logic
- state space search
- state space traversal - See state space search
- stationarity
- statistical bias
- statistical techniques
- statistics
- status change event
- stemming
- stereo vision
- stimulus–response learning
- stochastic search
- stop words
- straight-line distance - See Euclidean distance
- strong AI
- strong learner
- stuttering in search trees
- Stuxnet
- sub-symbolic - See sub-symbolic systems
- sub-symbolic AI - See sub-symbolic systems
- sub-symbolic spring
- sub-symbolic systems
- substructure
- subject--predicate--object triples
- successive refinement
- sufficient reason
- supervised learning
- support vector machine
- surrogate expert
- SVM - See support vector machine
- swarm computing
- syllogism
- symbolic AI - See symbolic systems
- symbolic machine learning
- symbolic regression
- symbolic systems
- symmetric matrix
- synapse weights
- synergistic interaction
- syntactic analysis
- syntactic grammar
- synthetic data
- System 1
- System 2
- system event
- systems response
- tacit knowledge
- technological determinism
- template matching
- temporal logic
- TensorFlow
- terminal symbols
- text mining
- text prediction
- texture
- theory of mind
- thought experiment
- three-dimensional objects
- three laws of robotics - See laws of robotics
- threshold
- threshold function
- Tim Berners-Lee - See berners-lee, tim
- time dependence
- time domain
- time series
- time series analysis
- time stamp
- timed event
- TMS - See truth maintenance system
- top-down reasoning
- Towers of Hanoi
- training phase
- transfer learning
- transformational analogy
- transformer model
- transition network- has subentries
- transition probabilities
- transparency
- transpose
- travelling salesman problem
- tree search - See search tree
- trends - See trend removal
- trend adjustments - See trend removal
- trend removal
- trigger
- triplestores
- trolley problem
- true negative
- true positive
- trust
- truth maintenance system
- truth values
- Turing test
- Turing, Alan
- Twitter bot
- uncertain reasoning - See reasoning with uncertainty
- uncertainty
- uncertainty measure
- uncertainty of sensors
- unconscious
- unconscious bias
- underdetermined
- uniform distribution
- uniform resource identifiers - See URI
- uniform resource locators - See URL
- uniform sampling rate
- unintended bias
- unique identifier
- unsupervised - See unsupervised learning
- unsupervised algorithm - See unsupervised learning
- unsupervised algorithms - See unsupervised learning
- unsupervised approach - See unsupervised learning
- unsupervised classifier
- unsupervised clustering
- unsupervised learning
- upper bound
- user event
- user interface
- user interface agent
- validation phase
- validation rules
- value network
- variable-order markov models
- variance
- vCard ontology
- vergence
- version-space algorithm
- Vilfredo Pareto - See Pareto, Vilfredo
- vision - See computer vision
- visual analytics
- visualisation
- visualising data - See visualisation
- voice assistants
- voxel
- Waltz's algorithm
- Watson (IBM) - See IBM Watson
- wavelength
- wavelet
- wavelet transform
- weak AI
- weak learners
- web of data
- web ontology language - See OWL
- web science
- web scraping
- web search
- web-scale reasoning
- Weizenbaum, Joseph
- white matter
- white-box model
- white-box techniques
- William James
- windowing
- winner takes all
- Winograd, Terry
- wisdom of the crowds
- wizard
- word vector
- word2vec
- working memory
- World Wide Web
- XOR problem
- zero-sum game
- XAI - See explainable AI
- Zombie Alice
- zoom