In AI a script is a well-known pattern of activity that can be represented precisely as a form of knowwledge representation. For example, it might capture the pattern of going into a shop, choosing items, paying and then leaving. Scripts of human actuvty can be used to help dismbiguation in natural language processing or activity reognition, or to guied appropriate autimated repsonses to human actions.
The term script can also refer to set of rules or program that a software agent or robot follows, potentially based on an {[event}} or user interaction.
Defined on page 29
Used on Chap. 2: pages 29, 30, 31, 34; Chap. 10: page 201; Chap. 13: pages 310, 311, 314, 315; Chap. 16: pages 370, 371
Also known as script