Query-by-Browsing (QbB) is an intelligent database query interface that allows users to choose records of interst from a listing and then infers a query, for example in SQL. This is of course the opposite of most database query interfaces (including so called 'query by example') where the user writes.a query as input and then sees the results as output.
Defined on page 515
Used on Chap. 5: pages 102, 105, 106; Chap. 18: pages 439, 440; Chap. 19: page 466; Chap. 21: pages 513, 515, 516, 517, 522, 523, 529, 530
Also known as QBB
meandeviation.com: Query-by-Browsing on the Web
alandix.com: Information and articles about QbB
Query-by-Browsing -- user ticks interesting records
Query-by-Browsing -- shows inferred rule both as SQL query and highlighted listing
Query-by-Browsing on the web
QbB -- under the bonnet