GPT-3 is a large-language model developed by OpenAI, and was influential in powering ChatGPT, which radically changed expectations as the the capabilities of AI. The aparent step-change in capability started a conversaton as to whether any intelligent behaviour could in fact be produced based on sheer volume of data and computation. GPT-3 can be tuned for different tasks using prompts and is derisgned to be used as a service by other applicatons, this has led to a large growth of applications using GPT-3 as the underlying engine. However, becasue GPT-3 and its successors are built using lareg volumes of web data there are concerns for privacy and intellectual property, especially as it occasionally could reproduce verbatim portions of input documents.
Used on Chap. 6: page 114; Chap. 13: page 313; Chap. 19: page 464
Links: OpenAI: GPT-3 powers the next generation of apps
Wikipedia: GPT-3 What does GPT-3 “know” about me? A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human?