Publications 2006

Alan Dix

Lancaster University

1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. Abowd and R. Beale (2006).
HCI acronym
Publishing House of the Electronics Industry, China (
Simplified Chinese Edition of Human-Computer Interaction, third edition.
See the book web site for English slides and materials
or the Chinese book details

Masitah Ghazali, Devina Ramduny-Ellis, Eva Hornecker and Alan Dix (editors) (2006).
Physicality 2006: First International Workshop on Physicality, (Proceedings of Worskshop, 6-7 Feb. 2006), Lancaster University. ISBN 1862201781 | proceedings (zipped PDF, 1.1Mb)

S. Shawren and A. Dix (2006).
Software Engineering and HCI. in Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. C. Ghaoui (ed.). Idea Group Reference. pp. 548-552
publishers web page

Alan Dix (2006).
First Steps in Physicality. Preface to Physicality 2006: First International Workshop on Physicality, M. Ghazali, D. Ramduny-Ellis, E. Hornecker and A. Dix (eds.). pp. ii-v.
full text (html)

Azrina Kamaruddin and Alan Dix (2006).
Understanding Physicality on Desktop: Preliminary Results. In Physicality 2006: First International Workshop on Physicality, M. Ghazali, D. Ramduny-Ellis, E. Hornecker and A. Dix (eds.). pp. 39-41.
abstract and paper

A. Dix, T. Ormerod, M. Twidale, C. Sas, P. Gomes da Silva, L. McKnight (2006).
Why bad ideas are a good idea
. in Proceedings of HCIEd.2006-1 inventivity, Ballina/Killaloe, Ireland. 23-24 March 2006   
abstract and paper

F. Razak and A. Dix (2006)
Mobile phone: a tool for expressing co-actualisation. In Proceedings of the 13th Eurpoean Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: Trust and Control in Complex Socio-Technical Systems (Zurich, Switzerland, September 20 - 22, 2006). ECCE '06, vol. 250. ACM, New York, NY, 100-104.
DOI: 10.1145/1274892.1274908 | full paper (PDF, 88Kb)

C. Sas, A. Dix, N. Davies and A.Friday (2006).
Capturing and sharing war memories. Paper presented at CHI '06: Human factors in computing systems, Workshop on "Designing for collective remembering", Montreal, Canada, 1/04/0 .
Lancaster eprints

Benford, S., Crabtree, A., Reeves, S., Flintham, M., Drozd, A., Sheridan, J. and Dix, A. (2006).
The frame of the game: blurring the boundary between fiction and reality in mobile experiences, Proceedings the 2006 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI2006, 427-436, Montreal: ACM.
(aka. Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings TOC title)
doi: 10.1145/1124772.1124836

Antonella De Angeli, Sheryl Brahnam, Peter Wallis, Alan J. Dix (2006).
Misuse and abuse of interactive technologies (Workshop). CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1647-1650

Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix (2006).
Designing for collective remembering (Workshop). CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1727-1730

A. Dix (2006).
incidental interaction - when machines do what they want. keynote at Informatics Research Workshop 2006, Bradford University, UK, 26th March 2006.
abstract and slides

G. Ellis and A. Dix(2006).
An explorative analysis of user evaluation studies in information visualisation.
In Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods For information Visualization (Venice, Italy, May 23, 2006). BELIV '06. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1-7.
abstract and paper

G. Ellis and A. Dix (2006).
The plot, the clutter, the sampling and its lens: occlusion measures for automatic clutter reduction.
Proceedings of AVI2006. (Venice, Italy, May 24-26, 2006) ACM Press. pp. 266-269
abstract and links

A. Dix, T. Catarci, B. Habegger, Y. Ioannidis, A. Kamaruddin, A. Katifori, G. Lepouras, A. Poggi, D. Ramduny-Ellis (2006).
Intelligent context-sensitive interactions on desktop and the web.
Proceedings of the international Workshop in Conjunction with AVI 2006 on Context in Advanced Interfaces. (Venice, Italy, May 23, 2006), ACM Press , pp. 23-27
abstract and paper | ACM DOI

C. Randell, E. Geelhoed, A. Dix and H. Muller (1006).
Exploring the Effects of Target Location Size and Position System Accuracy on Location Based Applications. Proceedings of Pervasive Computing: 4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006, (Dublin, Ireland, May 7-10, 2006). K. Fishkin, B. Schiele, P. Nixon, A. Quigley (eds). LNCS 3968, Springer. pp. 305-320
Springer DOI: 10.1007/11748625_19

A. Dix, S. Levialdi and A. Malizia (2006).
Semantic Halo for Collaboration Tagging Systems. in Proceedings of Workshops held at the Fourth International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2006), S. Weibelzahl and A. Cristea (eds.) - Workshop on Social Navigation and Community-Based Adaptation Technologies, Lecture Notes in Learning and Teaching, Dublin: National College of Ireland. pp. 514-521
abstract and paper

Kamaruddin, A., and Dix, A. (2006).
How do you make your folder? Poster at MRG-IC2006, Malaysian Research Group International Conference 2006, Salford University, 21-22 June 2006, Salford.
abstract and paper

C. Sas and A. Dix (2006).
Exploring the Design Space
. in DIS 2006 Workshop: Exploring Design as a Research Activity, Penn State, USA. 25 June 2006   
abstract and paper

M. Ghazali and A. Dix (2006).
Natural Inverse: Physicality, Interaction & Meaning. in Let's Get Physical: Tangible Interaction and Rapid Prototyping in, for, and about Design Workshop at 2nd International Conference on Design Computing & Cognition 2006, TU/e Eindhoven, 8-12 July 2006
full paper

A. Dix (2006).
Understanding People Understanding Design. keynote at Innovation North Research Conference 2006, Leed Metropolitan University, UK, 10-12th July 2006.
slides of talk

McKnight, Lorna and Ormerod, Thomas C. and Sas, Corina and Dix, Alan (2006).
As useful as a bicycle to a fish: exploration versus constraint in creativity. In: Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Conference, CogSci 2006, pp.1811-1816.
@csjarchive (PDF, 204K) || CogSci 2006 Proceedings

Why examples are hard, and what to do about it. Essay, August 2006.
essay as pdf

the stuff of dreams. Essay, August 2006.
essay as pdf

G. Lepouras, A. Dix, A. Katifori, T. Catarci, B. Habegger, A. Poggi, Y. Ioannidis (2006).
OntoPIM: From Personal Information Management to Task Information Management. Personal Information Management, SIGIR 2006 workshop, August 10-11, 2006, Seattle, Washington.
abstract and paper

T.Catarci, B. Habegger, A. Poggi, A. Dix, Y. Ioannidis, A. Katifori, G. Lepouras (2006).
Intelligent user task oriented systems. Personal Information Management, SIGIR 2006 workshop, August 10-11, 2006, Seattle, Washington.
abstract and paper

A. Dix and P. Phillips (2006).
SlowTime - LifeChimes. Art Works, Proceedings of The First International Symposium on Culture, Creativity and Interaction Design, CCID 2006. LeonardoNet Network. p.53.
paper and links

P. Silva and A. Dix (2006).
Chindogu and Scrapheap Spirit as Creativity Triggers. Proceedings of The First International Symposium on Culture, Creativity and Interaction Design, CCID 2006. LeonardoNet Network. pp.97-101.
abstract and links

A. Kamaruddin, A. Dix and D. Martin (2006). Why Do You Make A Folder?.
Adjunct proceedings of HCI2006.
abstract and paper

R. O'Donnell, A. Dix and L. Ball (2006).
Exploring the PieTree for Representing Numerical Hierarchical Data.
Proceedings of Proceedings of HCI2006, People and Conputers XX - Engage. Springer. pp. 239-254.
abstract and draft paper

H. Khalid and A. Dix (2006).
From selective indulgence to engagement: exploratory studies on photolurking. In Volume 2, Proceedings of the 20th British HCI Group Annual Conference, B. Fields, T. Stockman, L. Valgerour, P. Healey (eds) , Queen Mary, University of London, London; The British Computer Society. pp. 17-20
abstract and paper

G. Ellis and A. Dix (2006).
Enabling Automatic Clutter Reduction in Parallel Coordinate Plots.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2006, IEEE, pp. 717-723.
abstract and links

A. Dix (2006).
writing as third order experience . Interfaces, 68, pp. 19-20. Autumn 2006.
full article and links

A. Kano, J.C. Read and A, Dix (2006)
Children's Phrase Set for Text Input Method Evaluations. Proceedings of NordiChi 2006, the 4th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer interaction: Changing Roles (Oslo, Norway, October 14 - 18, 2006). A. Mørch, K. Morgan, T. Bratteteig, G. Ghosh, and D. Svanaes, Eds. NordiCHI '06, vol. 189. ACM Press, New York, NY, 449-452.
abstract, paper and poster | ACM DOI

A. Dix, T. Roselli, E. Sutinen (editors) (2006).
eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring Design Synergies for more Effective Learning Experience.  Special Issue of Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 9, Iss. 4, 2006. (Editorial pp. 1-2)
editorial and toc | ETS site for full articles

Saslis-Lagoudakis, G., Cheverst, K., Dix, A., Fitton, D., and Rouncefield, M. (2006).
Hermes@Home: supporting awareness and intimacy between distant family members. In Proceedings of the 18th Australia Conference on Computer-Human interaction: Design: Activities, Artefacts and Environments (Sydney, Australia, November 20 - 24, 2006). J. Kjeldskov and J. Paay, Eds. OZCHI '06, vol. 206. ACM, New York, NY, 23-30
doi: 10.1145/1228175.1228183

A. Dix (2006). the brain and the web - intelligent interactions from the desktop to the world. keynote at Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2006),Natal Brazil, 19-22 Nov. 2006.
abstract, links and slides

AI book coverJ. Finlay and A. Dix (2006).
Information and Computing 107, Saiensu-Sha,
(Japanese translation of "An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", pub. 1996)
publishers web details (in Japanese)

1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025