Publications 2010

Alan Dix

Lancaster University

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A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis and A. Dix (2010).
Ontologies and the Brain: Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Interaction
. Cognitive Systems Research, 11 (2010) 25–41.
abstract and links

Tim Hussein, Stephan G. Lukosch, Juergen Ziegler, and Alan Dix. 2010.
1st international workshop on semantic models for adaptive interactive systems (SEMAIS 2010). In Proceeding of the 14th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (IUI '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 437-438.

Mariusz W. Pietrzyk, David Manning, Tim Donovan and Alan Dix (2010)
Implication of the first decision on visual information-sampling in the spatial frequency domain in pulmonary nodule recognition. Proc. SPIE 7627, 762719

H. Khalid and Alan Dix (2010).
The experience of photologging: global mechanisms and local interactions. Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Springer online first January 15, 2010
DOI 10.1007/s00779-009-0261-4

D. Ramduny-Ellis, J. Hare, A. Dix, M. Evans and S. Gill (2010)
Physicality in Design: an exploration. The Design Journal, 13(1) pp. 48-76.
abstract and links

A. Dix (2010)
Human-Computer Interaction: a stable discipline, a nascent science, and the growth of the long tail. Interacting with Computers, 22(1) pp. 13-27.
abstract and draft paper | doi: 10.1016/j.intcom.2009.11.007

A. Dix, A. Katifori, G. Lepouras, C. Vassilakis and N. Shabir (2010).
Spreading Activation Over Ontology-Based Resources: From Personal Context To Web Scale Reasoning
. International Journal of Semantic Computing, Special Issue on Web Scale Reasoning: scalable, tolerant and dynamic. 4(1) pp.59-102.
abstract and draft paper | doi: 10.1142/S1793351X10000973

A. Dix, S. Subramanian (2010).
IT for Sustainable Growth. Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies. 1(1), pp. 35-54.
abstract and links

André, P., schraefel, m. c., Dix, A., White, R. W., Bernstein, M. and Luther, K. (2010)
Designing for Schadenfreude (or, how to express well-being and see if youʼre boring people). In: CHI 2010 Workshop on Microblogging.
Soton eprints

André, Paul, schraefel, m.c., Dix, Alan and White, Ryen W. (2010)
Experience in Social Affective Applications: Methodologies and Case Study. In, alt.chi 2010
Soton eprints

Alan Dix, Aaron Quigley, Sriram Subramanian, and Lucia Terrenghi. 2010.
Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI '10), Giuseppe Santucci (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 408-410.
DOI:10.1145/1842993.1843088 | proceedings

A. Dix and C. Sas (2010) Mobile Personal Devices meet Situated Public Displays: Synergies and Opportunities. International Journal of Ubiquitous Computing (IJUC), 1(1), pp. 11-28.
draft paper and links

A. Dix , G. Lepouras, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, T. Catarci, A. Poggi, Y. Ioannidis, M. Mora, I. Daradimos, N. Md.Akim, S.R. Humayoun, F. Terella (2010).
From the Web of Data to a World of Action. Journal of Web Semantics, Special Issue on Exploring New Interaction Designs Made Possible by the Semantic Web. 8(4), pp. 394-408
abstract and draft paper

Luca Simoncini et al. (2010).
Resilient Computing Courseware. (ReSIST: Resilience for Survivability in IST, Deliverable D38). Faculdade de Ciˆencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, Technical Report TR–09–10.
UoLisbon repository (PDF, 254K)|

Tiziana Catarci, Alan Dix, Stephen Kimani, Giuseppe Santucci (2010).
User-Centered Data Management. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management

Layda Gongora and Alan Dix (2010).
Brainstorming is a Bowl of Spaghetti: An In Depth Study of Collaborative Design Process and Creativity Methods with Experienced Design Practitioners. First International Conference on Design Creativity, ICDC 2010, 29 November - 1 December 2010, Kobe, Japan
full paper @ Design Society (PDF, 288K) | abstract and references

Alan Dix,  Steve Gill, Devina Ramduny-Ellis and Jo Hare (2010) 
Design and Physicality – Towards an Understanding of Physicality in Design and Use. In: Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings. Designing for the 21st Century, 2 . Gower, London, pp. 172-189. ISBN 9781409402404
draft chapter and links

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