Computing on the Edge – Pervasive Displays for a Small Island

Alan Dix

Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales

Keynote at Eighth ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis), Palermo, Italy,  12-14 June 2019



In a rural community your neighbours know your business before you do.  Why then would you need public displays?  For ten years I lived and worked on Tiree, a small island in the North Atlantic off the western coast of Scotland.  Six hundred and fifty people are spread over a land area greater than Manhattan. Although it is impossible to keep a secret, it is also very hard to share information deliberately.  Indeed, when the island youth worker was asked what was the greatest difficulty of her role, he said, “letting people know about events”.  The talk will present a number of communication technologies deployed on the island from SMS and offline mobile technology, to forms of situated public displays … albeit not all of the kind that are common in PerDis.  Many were developed in connection with Tiree Tech Wave a regular maker/meeting event that brought together technologists, designers, and artists to understand the unique challenges of computing at the edges.  I will discuss some of the special issues of designing technology in and for remote communities as well as reflecting on more general lessons for pervasive displays anywhere.

Keywords: pervasive displays, rural communities, information sharing, data architectures, ubiquitous computing


Computing on the Edge – Pervasive Displays for a Small Island from Alan Dix


Related Publications

A. Dix. (2019). Computing on the Edge – Pervasive Displays for a Small Island. Keynote at ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis 2019), Palermo, Italy,  12-14 June 2019.

Benjamin Weyers, Michael D. Harrison, Judy Bowen, Alan Dix and Philippe Palanque (2017). Case Studies. Chapter 4 in The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, pp.89–121.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51838-1_4

Alan Dix (2017).  Activity Modelling for Low-Intention Interaction. Chapter 7 in The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, pp.183–210.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51838-1_7

Alan Dix and Masitah Ghazali (2017). Physigrams: Modelling Physical Device Characteristics Interaction. Chapter 9 in The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, pp.247–271.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51838-1_9

A. Dix. (2016). 
Open Data Islands and Communities
. Keynote at EPCGI'2016, Covilhã, Portugal, 25 November 2016.
abstract and slides

A. Dix, A. Malizia, T. Turchi, S. Gill, G. Loudon, R. Morris, A. Chamberlain and A. Bellucci (2016). Rich Digital Collaborations in a Small Rural Community. Chapter 20 in Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces, C. Anslow et al. (eds.), Springer. pp. 463-483. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45853-3_20

A. Dix. (2016). The Leaves are Golden - putting the periphery at the centre of information design. Keynote at HCI2016, July 2016, Bournemouth, UK.

A. Dix (2016). Margins and Migrants. Day workshop at HighWire, Lancaster University, 4th February 2016.

Turchi, T., Malizia, A. and Dix, A. (2015).
Fostering the Adoption of Pervasive Displays in Public spaces using Tangible End-User Programming. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, At Atlanta, Georgia, US. 18-22 Oct 2015.  DOI: 10.1109/VLHCC.2015.7357196

Will Simm, Maria Angela Ferrario, Adrian Friday, Peter Newman, Stephen Forshaw, Mike Hazas, Alan Dix, (2015).
Tiree Energy Pulse: Exploring Renewable Energy Forecasts on the Edge of the Grid. CHI'2015, Seoul, S. Korea, April 2015. ACM pp.1965-1974.  DOI: 10.1145/2702123.2702285 (best paper award) | @ Lancs eprints | YouTube video

Maria Angela Ferrario, Stephen Forshaw, Peter Newman, William Simm, Adrian Friday, Alan Dix (2014).
On the edge of supply: designing renewable energy supply into everyday life. The 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2014), Stockholm, Sweden 24-27 August 2014.

Chamberlain, A., Malizia, A & Dix, A. (2014)
Visual and Tactile Engagement: designing projected touch-surfaces for community use in a rural contextAVI 2014, the 12th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Como (Italy), May 27-30, ACM. pp. 137-140  DOI: 10.1145/2598153.2598202

A. Dix. (2014). Technology at the Edge. Cross-Currents workshop on "Rural Cultural Practice and the Digital Economy in India and the UK", IIIT Bangalore, 12th May 2014.

A. Dix (2013). Mental Geography, Wonky Maps and a Long Way Ahead. GeoHCI, Workshop on Geography and HCI, CHI 2013.

Jakub Dostal and Alan Dix (2011). Tiree Tech WaveInterfaces, Summer 2011, p.16-17.


island game

Alan Dix 11/4/2019