Alan Dix
Lancaster University, vfridge limited and aQtive limited

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short courses and tutorials

This is a range of tutorials and industrial short courses that I've delivered to a mixture of academics and industrialists over several years, addressing both practical and more theoretical issues, but each with my own slightly different angle.

Conference tutorials run as advertised, for other tutorials or short courses, please contact me if you are interested.

You can make personal use of any of the resources on these pages, but if you wish to use them commercially or if you want to discuss a short course tailored to your requirements, please contact me.


A series of tutorials on understanding statistics in HCI, CSCW and related areas.

Formal methods in HCI

Short Courses - UNIX, Shell, C and the Internet

Research and Innovation

I originally developed materials about research techniques for undergraduate project students. However, it soon became obvious that the same techniques were useful at all levels of research and have since been used with HND, Bachelors, Masters and PhD students.

More recently, it has become clear that the same techniques are also invaluable for problem solution in commercial settings and also for driving and inspiring innovation in product design.

User-interface and groupware construction

Alan Dix
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