Please let us know if you find any errors or omissions in An introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
- top of page 89
- The set of most general rules (G) should NOT include (?,?,?,wood) as the negative example satisfies this rule.
The new state should instead read:set of most specific rules (S) = { (triangle,blue,large,wood) } set of most general rules (S) = { (triangle,?,?,?), (?,?,large,?) }
Thanks to Daryll Davis for pointing out this error. (5/11/97)
- first paragraph page 115
- The last line of this paragraph should read “he can confine his search
to the lighter pile”
Thanks to Daniel Defays for pointing out this error. (10/1/2000)
- third paragraph page 117
- For two dice there are 21 different pairs of die faces (or 11 sums)
That is the possible sums for two dice are 2, 3, … 12
Thanks to Daniel Defays for pointing out this error. (10/1/2000)
- figure 11.7 page 255
- Both the squares on the lower left hand side should be black, not black and white as shown.
The following figure is correct:
Once again thanks to Daniel Defays for pointing out this error. (17/1/2000) /dd>