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ALMAGILL, hill, with ancient Caledonian camp and extensive view, in Dalton parish, Dumfriesshire.

ALMERICLOSS, seat in St. Vigeans parish, Forfarshire.

ALMOND, river, running 25 miles north-eastward to Firth of Forth, between Linlithgowshire and Edinburghshire.

ALMOND, river, running 22 miles east-ward to the Tay, at 2 miles north of Perth.

ALMOND BANK, village on the Almond, 4 miles north-west of Perth. It has a post office under Perth, and a railway station. Pop. 317.

ALMOND CASTLE, ruined grand edifice on the left side of the Avon, 5J miles east-south-east of Falkirk. It dates from the time of James in., and was often held for the crown by the Earls of Linlithgow.


ALNESS, river, town, and parish in east side of Ross-shire. The river runs 14 miles eastward and south-eastward to Cromarty Firth, at about 10 miles north-north-east of Dingwall, and it forms the boundary between Alness and Rosskeen parishes. The town stands on the river, near its mouth, adjacent to the Highland j Railway ; consists of Alness proper, in Alness parish, and Alness Bridge or Bridgend of Alness, in Rosskeen parish, and has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Inverness, a railway station, a banking office, an Established church, a Free church, and 2 public schools. Pop. of Alness proper, about 202 ; of Alness Bridge, 942. The parish measures about 20 miles in length, and about 5 miles in mean breadth. Real property in 1880-81, 8531. Pop.1033. The tract adjacent to the firth is mostly flat, arable, and embellished ; but the other parts are hilly or mountainous, and extensively barren. Novar House, in the lower part, is a fine feature ; and 2 lakes and Aultgrande burn richly diversify the uplands. There are 3 schools for 191 scholars, and 2 of them and an enlargement for 131 are new.

ALNWICK LODGE, collier village in Irvine parish, Ayrshire.

ALTACHOYLACHAN, burn in Glenlivet, Banffshire. The battle of 1594, commonly called tin: battle of Glenlivet, was fought on its banks.

ALTANDOW, hamlet in Lochbroom parish, Ross-shire. It has a public school with about 86 scholars.

ALTASS, place 4J miles from Invershin, on south border of Sutherland. It has a post office under Ardgay.

ALTAVAIG, low, flat islet, with site of ancient chapel, off north-east coast of Skye.

ALTBEA, place, with pleasant small bay, on east side of Loch Ewe, Ross-shire.

ALTDOUBAN, romantic glen in Leswalt parish, Wigtonsbire.

ALTENS, fishing harbour in Nigg parish, Kincardineshire.

ALTIMARLACH, burn, entering Wick river 3 miles west of Wick, Caithness. The notable conflict between the Campbells and the Sinclairs, in 1680, was fought on its banks.

ALTMORE, hill-ridge, 5 miles south-south-east of Buckie, Banffshire.

ALTMORE, burn, entering the Isla 1 mile east of Keith, Banffshire.

ALTNABREAC, place with post office under Wick, and with railway station, 27 i miles west-south-west of Wick, Caithness.

ALTNACH, affluent of the Aven, near Tomantoul, Banffshire.

ALTNAHARRA, place near head of Loch Naver, 21 miles north of Lairg, Sutherland. It has a post office under Lairg, an inn, and a Free church.

ALTNARIE, upland affluent of the Findhorn, with grand cascade, in Ardclach parish, Nairn shire.

ALTON, village in Loudoun parish, Ayrshire.

ALTRIVE, farm, 1J mile south-east of foot of St. Mary's Loch, Selkirkshire. It was the last residence of Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd.

ALTYRE, old parish, now part of Raff ord, Elginshire. Altyre mansion here is the seat of Sir William G-. Gumming, Bart. ; and Altyre burn is a head-stream of Forres river.

ALVA, town and parish forming detached part of Stirlingshire. The town stands on low flat ground, at terminus of branch railway, adjacent to acclivities of the Ochil Hills, 7 miles east-north-east of Stirling ; extends about mile across the entrance of a romantic glen of its own name ; carries on woollen manufacture, and has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Stirling, 2 banking offices, a town hall, Established, Free, and United Presbyterian churches, and a public school of 1876, with accommodation for more than 700 scholars. Pop. 4961. The parish measures about 4 by 2J miles, and comprises 5458 acres. Real property in 1880-81, 13,971. Pop. 5113. The southern part is low and fertile, and the other parts are a portion of the Ochils, enclosing Alva Glen. That glen is a cul de sac about 3 miles long ; contains the mansion and grounds of Alva House ; exhibits striking features of ravine, cliff, and waterfall ; and is overhung at the head by Bencleuch, the loftiest of the Ochils. There are 4 schools, with accommodation for 934 scholars.

ALV AH, parish on north-east border of 1 Banffshire, midway between Banff and , Turriff. Post town, Banff. Length and greatest breadth, each about 6 miles; area, 11,488 acres. Eeal property in 1880-81, 9712. Pop. , quoad civilia, 1356; quoad sacra, 1187. The river Deveron traces most of the north-eastern boundary, and traverses there a romantic chasm spanned by a noble bridge. Much of the land adjacent to the river is alluvial, but much of the rest is hilly, and part of it barren. There are 2 public schools, one of them for females only, and they have about 52 and 49 scholars.

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