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AUCHENGOOL, estate in Kerrick parish, Kirkcudbrightshire.

AUCHENGRAY, place, 5| miles north of Carstairs Junction, Lanarkshire. It has a post office under Lanark, and a railway station.

AUCHENHEATH, village, 9J miles south of Larkhall, Lanarkshire. It has a railway station, and a public school with about 152 scholars. Pop. 612.

AUCHENLOCH, small village in Cadde'r parish, Lanarkshire.

AUCHENREOCH, seat in Strickathrow parish, Forfarshire.

AUCHENREOCH, lake in Urr parish, Kirkcudbrightshire.

AUCHENROATH, seat near Eothes village, Elginshire.

AUCHENSAUGH, hill, 2J miles south of Douglas, Lanarkshire. It was the scene of a notable swearing of Solemn League and Covenant by a body of Cameronians.

AUCHENTORLIE, seat, near Paisley, Renfrewshire.

AUCHENTORLIE, seat and vestiges of ancient hill-fort, in Old Kilpatrick parish, Dumbartonshire.

AUCHERNACH, seat in Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire.


AUCHINCASS, ruined ancient castle on Evan river, near Beattock, Dumfriesshire.

AUCHINCHEW, cliff-walled amphitheatre, vale, and cascades, on south coast of Arran Island, Buteshire.

AUCHINCLOACH, burn, and lands with traditions of the battle of 1645, in Kilsyth parish, Stirlingshire.

AUCHINCLOICH, hamlet in Ochiltree parish, Ayrshire. It has a post office under Kilmarnock.

AUCHINCRAW, village, 3 miles north-north-west of Chirnside, Berwickshire. It has a post office under Ayton.

AUCHINDACHY, railway station, 3J miles soubh-west of Keith, Banff shire.

AUCHINDINNY, village on the North Esk, with railway station, 8 miles by road, but 12 by railway, south of Edinburgh. Pop. 405.

AUCHINDOIR, parish, averagely 7 miles north-west of Alford, Aberdeenshire. It contains Lumsden village, with post office under Aberdeen, and it measures about 7 miles in both length and breadth. Acres, 15,310. Eeal property in 1880-81, 6405. Pop. 1514. The surface includes part of Buck of Cabrach Mountain; comprises hill-ridges of very various height, and intervening vales of very various width ; and is traversed by Bogie river. The seats are Clova, Craig, and Dniminnor ; and the chief antiquity is the ruin of an ancient church with Saxon doorway. The churches are Established, 2 Free, United Presbyterian, and Episcopalian, and there are 2 public schools for 200 scholars.

AUCHINDUNE, ruined old castle in Mortlach parish, Banffshire.

AUCHINFLOWER, place, with public school, in Ballantrae parish, Ayrshire.

AUCHINGRAMONT, suburb of Hamilton, Lanarkshire. It has a United Presbyterian church.

AUCHINHALRIG, village in Bellie parish, Banffshire.

AUCHINLECK, vulgarly AFFLECK, town and parish in east of Kyle district, Ayrshire. The town stands on Lugar water, 13f miles south-south-east of Kilmarnock, and has a post office, with money order department, under Cumnock ; a rail-way station, a parochial church, a United Original Secession church, and a public school with about 303 scholars. Pop. 1528. The parish contains also the villages of CommonDyke, Cronberry, and Dernconner, most of the town of Lugar, and small part of the town of Cumnock. Its length is 16 miles, its mean breadth not more than 2. Acres, 24,129. Real property in 1880-81, 31,330. Pop. 6681. The eastern section is hilly and wild, and includes some lofty summits ; the western section, low, fertile, and embellished ; and the middle section is of medium character. About one-third of the entire area is in tillage. Auchinleck House, 3 miles west of the town, was erected by the judge Lord Auchinleck, father of the biographer of Dr. Johnson. A ruined baronial fortalice, the residence of the early Bos-wells from the time of James iv., stands in that mansion's neighbourhood, and remains of another old fortalice are in the eastern district. There are 6 schools for 1248 scholars, and 1 of them and an enlargement for 250 are new.

AUCHINLECK, lofty hill, 4 miles west of Queensberry, Dumfriesshire.

AUCHINLILLY, cascade on the Carron, west of Denny, Stirlingshire.

AUCHINLOCHAN, village in Kilfinan parish, Argyleshire. Pop. 340.

AUCHINMULLY, village in east side of Kilsyth parish, Stirlingshire.

AUCHINRAITH, village in Blantyre parish, Lanarkshire. Pop. 687.

AUCHINSTARRY, seat in Kilsyth parish, Stirlingshire.

AUCHINSTARRY, village in Cumbernauld parish, Dumbartonshire. Pop. 626.

AUCHINTIBBER, village in Blantyre parish, Lanarkshire. Pop. 435.

AUCHINTOUL, seat in Marnock parish, Banffshire.

AUCHIRIES, hamlet in Cruden parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a public school with about 167 scholars.

AUCHLEE, estate, with two well-preserved ancient Caledonian stone circles, in Banchory-Devenick parish, Kincardineshire.

AUCHLEEKS, hamlet and seat in Blair-Athole parish, Perthshire. The hamlet has a post office under Blair-Athole.

AUCHLEVEN, village in Premnay parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a post office under Insch.

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