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BARRY, hill in Alyth parish, Perthshire.

BARSCOBE, lake, 3 miles east of Dairy, Kirkcudbrightshire.

BARSHAW, seat near Paisley, Renfrewshire.

BARSKIMMING, seat of Sir William F. Miller, Bart., on the river Ayr, 2J miles south-west of Mauchline, Ayrshire. It was destroyed by fire in March 1882.

BARTHOL, place in Tarves parish, Aber-tleenshire. It has a quoad sacra parish church for a pop. of 797, and a public school with about 121 scholars.

BARVAS, village and parish in north of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. The village stands on west coast, at mouth of rivulet of its own name, about 15 miles north-north-west of Stornoway ; and has a post office under Stornoway, a parochial church, a Free church, and 2 public schools with about 89 scholars. Pop. 561. The parish contains also the villages of Bragar, Knockard, Erropie, and Swainbost ; and measures about 22 miles by 8. Acres, 89,654. Real property in 1880-81, 3109. Pop. , quoad civilia, 5325 ; quoad sacra, 2600. The coast is bold and rocky, and includes the terminating promontory called the Butt. A tract of less than a mile in mean breadth along the shore is the only cultivated land, and all the rest of the interior is mossy moor. There are 6 schools for 955 scholars, and 3 of these and 2 enlargements for 784 are new.

BARVICK, rivulet entering the Turret near Crieff, Perthshire.

BARWHINNOCK, seat in Twynholm pi.rish, Kirkcudbrightshire.

BASHAW, place, with limestone and p.-trifying springs, in Carluke parish, Lanarkshire.

BASKET, place, with ironstone mines, in Dlantyre parish, Lanarkshire.

BASS, insulated basaltic crag, 3i miles north-ut of North Berwick, Haddmgton-shire. It measures 350 feet in height, and fully a mile in circumference ; is accessible nt only one point ; and was successively a retreat of the Culdee St. Baldred, a strong-hold of the Lauder family, a state prison of distinguished Covenanters, and the last place in Scotland which resisted the Revolution.

BASS, mound adjacent to Inverury, Aberdeenshire. It was long the subject of curious traditions, and a puzzle to anti-naries, but is simply an accumulation of diluvial drift.

BASSENDEAN, old parish, now part of Westruther, Berwickshire.

BASTA, voe or bay on east side of Yell Island, Shetland.

BASTLERIDGE, estate in Ayton parish, Berwickshire.

BATHA, lake in Fortingal parish, Perthshire.

BATHGATE, town and parish in west of Linlithgowshire. The town stands at a convergence of railways, 18J miles west-south-west of Edinburgh; is partly old and irregular on an acclivity, partly new and regular on low ground ; carries on much business in connection with rich, extensive, surrounding mineral field ; and has a head post office with all departments, 4 banking offices, Established, Free, United Presbyterian, Evangelical Union, and Roman Catholic churches, a handsome free academy, and a large public school. Pop. 4887. The parish contains also the town of Armadale and the village of Dur-hamton, and is about 7| miles long and 4 miles broad. Acres, 10,876. Real property in 1880-81, 45,234. Pop. 9450. The north-eastern section is hilly, and the rest is almost level. Bituminous minerals, ironstone, and limestone are extensively worked. Chief seats are Balbardie and Boghead. There are 8 schools for 2367 scholars, and 3 of these, for 1250, are new. A resolution was taken in August 1881 to erect a new parochial church.

BATHGATE AND EDINBURGH RAILWAY, about 10J miles long, from Bathgate to a junction with the Edinburgh and Glasgow line of the North British system near Ratho station. It was leased for 999 years to the Edinburgh and Glasgow, and passed with that to the North British.

BATTLEDYKES, farm, with remains of Roman camp, in Oathlaw parish, Forfarshire.

BATTLEHILL, scene of ancient sanguinary fight between the Scotch and the English, in Annan parish, Dumfriesshire.

BATTLEHILL, scene of ancient conflict between the Comyns and the Gordons, near Huntly, Aberdeenshire.

BATTLEKNOWES, place, with traces of Roman camp, in Whitsome parish, Berwickshire.

BATTLELAW, scene of ancient conflict between the Scotch and the Danes, in Balmerino parish, Fife.

BATTOCK (MOUNT), summit, 2554 feet high, at meeting-point of Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, and Forfarshire.

BAUCHRAN, lake in Glenstrathfarrar, Inverness-shire.

BAWKIE, bay at south end of Dunoon, Argyleshire.

BAYBLE, 2 villages, Lower and Upper, in Stornoway parish, Outer Hebrides. Pop. 431 and 481.

BAYFIELD, seat in Nigg parish , Ross-shire.

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