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BOW, coast cave in Fordyce parish, Banffshire.

BOWBEAT, summit of Moorfoot Hills, 2049 feet high, in Temple parish, Edinburghshire.

BOWDEN, village and parish in north-west of Roxburghshire. T.he village stands 3 miles south of Melrose, and has a post office under Newton St. Boswells, an ancient cross, a beautiful fountain, a partly ancient parochial church, and a public school with about 92 scholars. The parish contains Midlem village, and is about 6 miles long, and 4^ miles broad. Acres, 7667. Real property in 1880-81, 9147. Pop. 769. The surface includes about one-half of the Eildon Hills, and descends thence in a series of alternate parallel ridges and vales to Ale river. The seats are Cavers Carre, Linthill, and Kippilaw ; and the antiquities are vestiges of ancient camps, remains of an ancient military road , and the site of the strong noble f ortalice of Holydean. There are 3 schools, with accommodation for 247 scholars.

BOWDEN, hill, with traces of ancient camp, in Torphichen parish, Linlithgowshire.

BOWER, parish, with railway station, 11J miles west-north-west of Wick, Caithness. It has a post office under Halkirk. Its length is 7 miles, its breadth 4 miles. Real property in 1880-81, 9113. Pop. 1608. Two eminences and two lakes diversify the surface ; and one of the former is crowned by a Scandinavian rude round tower, and commands an extensive view. The churches are Established and Free. There are 4 schools for 399 scholars, and 3 of them and an enlargement for 335 are new.

BOWER, vestige of ancient royal hunting-seat on the Clyde, in Lamington parish, Lanarkshire.

BOWERHOPE, mountain in Yarrow parish, Selkirkshire.

BOWERHOUSES, seat in Spott parish, Haddingtonshire.

BO WERMADDEN, estate in Bower parish, Caithness.

BOWHILL, a seat of the Duke of Buccleuch, on the Yarrow, 3 miles west of Selkirk.

BOWHOUSE, railway station, 6J miles south-west of Borrowstownness.

BOWLAND, seat in Stow parish, Edinburghshire.

BOWLAND BRIDGE, railway station, 3 miles south-south-east of Stow village, Edinburghshire.

BOWLING, village on the Clyde, at exit of Forth and Clyde Canal, 3| miles east-south-east of Dumbarton. It has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Glasgow, a railway station, a hotel, wharves, a shipbuilding yard, and a public school with about 121 scholars. Pop. 687.


BOWMORE, seaport village, near head of Lochindaal, Islay Island, Argyleshire. It has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Greenock, a large distillery, a Free church, a Baptist chapel, and a public school with about 182 scholars. Pop. 823.

BOW OF FIFE, place, about a mile from Cupar, Fife. It has a post office under Cupar.

BOWRIEFAULD, village in Dunnichen parish, Forfarshire.

BOYNDIE, seaside parish, contiguous to Banff parish, Banffshire. It contains Whitehills village, with post office under Banff, and is about 7 miles long, and nearly 3 miles broad. Acres, 6945. Real property in 1880-81, 8117. Pop., quoad civilia, 2004; quoad sacra, 1801. The coast is chiefly rocky ; and the interior is partly a fine valley traversed by Boyndie rivulet to the sea, and partly flat low plateau. Chief objects are Boyne Castle, and 3 ancient Caledonian stone circles. The churches are Established and Free ; and there are 2 new public schools for 280 scholars.

BOYNDLIE, seat in Tyrie parish, Aberdeenshire.

BOYNE, rivulet and old castle in north of Banffshire. The rivulet runs about 8 miles to the sea, at 4f miles west of Banff ; and the castle crowns a crag near the rivulet's mouth, was once a noble seat, and is now a tolerably well-preserved ruin.

BOYSACK, hamlet in Inverkeilor parish, Forfarshire.

BRAAL, large, strong, ancient castle in Halkirk parish, Caithness.

BRAAMBURY, headland, near Brora, Sutherland.


BRABLOCH, seat near Paisley, Renfrewshire.

BRABSTER, seat in Canisbay parish, Caithness.

BRABSTERDORRAN, estate in Bower parish, Caithness.

BRACADALE, parish in south-west of Skye, Inverness-shire. It contains Struan hamlet, with post office under Portree ; includes Minginish district, and Soay and Wiay Islands, and is about 20 miles long and 8 miles broad. Real property in 1880-81, 6734. Pop. 929. The coast is partly flat, but mostly high and rocky, and is cut by Lochs Bracadale, Eynort, Brittle, and Scavaig. Loch Bracadale extends 1\ miles north-eastward, with mean breadth of about 4 miles, has numerous islets, bays, and offsets, and is flanked on much of its south-east side by mural cavernous cliffs, terminating in the bold lofty headland of Taliska r . The interior includes part of Cuchullin Mountains, and is elsewhere a diversity of hill and vale. The churches are Established and Free, and there are 4 new public schools for 182 scholars.

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