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BREWERY, hamlet in Borthwick parish, Edinburghshire.

BRIARACHAN, head-stream of the Ardle, Perthshire.

BRIDEKIRK, village and quoad sacra parish in south of Annandale, Dumfriesshire. The village stands on Annan river, 3 miles north-north-west of Annan town, and has a post office under Annan, and a three-arched bridge. Pop. of the village, 309 ; of the quoad sacra parish, 702.

BRIDESNESS, headland at south-east of North Ronaldshay Island, Orkney.

BRIDGEGATE, quoad sacra parish, with Established and Free churches, adjacent to north side of Clyde, Glasgow. Pop. 3119.

BRIDGEND, suburb on right bank of the Leven, adjacent to Dumbarton.

BRIDGEND, suburb on left bank of the Tay, adjacent to Perth.

BRIDGEND, suburb on right bank of the Nith, adjacent to Dumfries. It figures in history as Bridgend, but is now called Maxwelltown, which see.

BRIDGEND, suburb of Dalkeith, Edinburghshire.

BRIDGEND, suburb of Crieff, Perthshire.

BRIDGEND, suburb of Ceres, Fife.

BRIDGEND, hamlet on the Tweed, about a mile west of Melrose, Roxburghshire. A curious ancient bridge here was surmounted by a castellated gateway, and figures in Sir Walter Scott's Monastery, but has disappeared.

BRIDGEND, hamlet in Lintrathen parish, Forfarshire.

BRIDGEND, place in Ruthven parish, Forfarshire.

BRIDGEND, village in Kenmore parish, Perthshire.

BRIDGEND, place in Kilbirnie parish, Ayrshire. It has a public school with about 199 scholars.

BRIDGEND, part of Alness town, Ross-shire. Pop. 942.

BRIDGEND, village at head of Lochindaal, Islay Island, Argyleshire. It has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Greenock.

BRIDGEND, village near Bathgate, Linlithgowshire. Pop. 253.

BRIDGEND, hamlet on the Clyde, 2 miles south-east of Lanark.

BRIDGEND, estate in Lochwinnoch parish, Renfrewshire.

BRIDGEND (OLD), village in Galston parish, Ayrshire.

BRIDGENESS, village in Carriden parish. Linlithgowthire. Pop. 260.

BRIDGE OF ALLAN,town on Allan river, 3 miles north of Stirling. It ranks high as a resort of invalids and convalescents, owes its celebrity to at once its climate, its structure, its environs, its views, and its vicinity to Airthrey mineral wells; looks, as seen from Stirling, to be a town of villas ; communicates with Stirling by tramway cars, and commands wide extent and variety of charming walks and drives; ' publishes a weekly newspaper, and has a head post office with all departments, a railway station, 2 banking offices, 4 hotels, a hydropathic establishment, a museum, 4 handsome modern churches, Established, Free, United Presbyterian, and Episcopalian, and a public school with about 189 scholars. Pop. at the census of 1881, 3005; but the summer visitors are usually from 30,000 to 40,000.

BRIDGE OF ALVAH, remarkable bridge on the Deveron, in a bold chasm, 3 miles south of Banff.

BRIDGE OF BRUAN, place in Braes of Abernethy, Inverness-shire.

BRIDGE OF BUCKET, hamlet in Glenbucket parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a post office under Aberdeen.

BRIDGE OF CALLY, place, 5 miles north-west of Blairgowrie, Perthshire. It has a post office under Blairgowrie.

BRIDGE OF CANNY, place in Banchory-Ternan parish, Kincardineshire. It has a post office under Aberdeen.

BRIDGE OF CAY, place, 10 miles south-west of Grantown, Elginshire.


BRIDGE OF DEE, village on the Dee, 2$ miles south-west of Castle-Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire. It has a railway station.

BRIDGE OF DEE, place on the Dee, suburban to Aberdeen. It has a post office under Aberdeen.

BRIDGE OF DON, place on the Don, suburban to Aberdeen. It has a post office under Aberdeen, and a public school.

BRIDGE OF DOUGLAS, place, with public school, in Glenaray parish, Argyleshire.

BRIDGE OF DRIP, bridge on the Forth, 2J miles west-north-west of Stirling.

BRIDGE OF DULSIE, place on Findhorn river, 10 miles south-south-east of Nairn.

BRIDGE OF DUN, place, 4 miles east of Brechin, Forfarshire. It has a post office under Montrose, and a railway junction station.

BRIDGE OF EARN, village on river Earn, 4 miles south-by-east of Perth. It is a resort of invalids and convalescents ; owes its attractions to climate, environs, command of walks and drives, and vicinity to Pitcaithly wells ; and has a head post office with all departments, a railway station, and a hotel. Pop. 304.

BRIDGE OF ETRISH, place on Truim rivulet, south of Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire.

BRIDGE OF FEUGH, bridge on cataract-ine reach of Feugh river, south-west of Banchory, Kincardineshire.

BRIDGE OF GAIRN, place in Glenmuick parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a post office under Aberdeen.

BRIDGE OF GRUDIE, place near south side of Loch Maree, Ross-shire.

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