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CALDERS, cliff-screened small sea-inlet in Wick parish, Caithness.

CALDERSIDE, place on the Calder, in Blantyre parish, Lanarkshire.

CALDER (SOUTH), small river, running about 11 miles south-westward to the Clyde, at 1 mile north of Hamilton. It is crossed, near Motherwell, by a lofty viaduct of Caledonian Railway.

CALDER (WEST), town and parish in extreme west of Edinburghshire. The town stands 15f miles south-west of Edinburgh ; was only a village with 434 inhabitants in 1851 ; rose rapidly to the condition of a great centre of industry ; flourishes in connection with paraffin works, collieries, and ironworks in an extensive tract around it ; and has a head post office, with money order and telegraph departments, a railway station, a banking office, Established, Free, United Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic churches, and a public school with about 254 scholars. Pop. 2291. The parish contains also Addiewell town and Gavieside, Mossend, and Cobinshaw villages. Its length is nearly 9 miles ; its breadth from 1 to 9 miles ; its area 21,089 acres. Real property in 1880-81, 43,846. Pop. 7681. The surface has a general elevation of nearly 500 feet above sea-level, and rises in the south-east to the watershed of Pentlands. Bituminous minerals, lime-stone, and ironstone are plentiful. The chief residences are Hermand, Harburn, and Limefield ; and the chief antiquities are an old castle and remains of a Roman camp. There are 8 schools for 1499 scholars, and one of them for 200 is new.

CALDERWOOD, seat of Sir William Maxwell, Bart., in East Kilbride parish, Lanarkshire.

CALDHAM, hamlet in Marykirk parish, Kincardineshire.

CALDRON, cascade into dark cavern on Lednock river, near Comrie, Perthshire.

CALDRON, series of cascades on the Devon, near Crook of Devon, or meeting-point of Perthshire and Kinross-shire.

CALDRONLEE, place, with limeworks, in Kirkpatrick-Fleming parish, Dumfriesshire.

CALDWELL, seat and railway station, 4J miles east of Beith, Ayrshire.

CALEDONIA, originally the mainland of Ross-shire, and greater part of the main-land' of Inverness-shire ; afterwards all parts of the mainland of Scotland north of the Forth and the Clyde ; subsequently all the mainland of Britain north of the Tweed, or the southern Tyne and the southern Eden. Caledonia, in its ultimate or largest form, was distributed among 21 tribes of Britons or ancient Caledonians.

CALEDONIAN CANAL, line of inland navigation from head of Moray Firth, near Inverness, to middle of Loch Eil, near Fort-William, Inverness-shire. It traverses the Great Glen ; includes 22 miles of artificial cut, and 38J miles through Lochs Dochfour, Ness, Oich, and Lochy ; has a minimum depth of 17 feet, so as to serve for sea-borne vessels; was begun to be formed in 1803, but not completed till 1847 ; and cost, up to that date, more than 1,256,000.

CALEDONIAN RAILWAY, extensive ramified railway system throughout much of Scotland into west side of English border. It originally did no more than connect a large portion of the southern Lowlands of Scotland with the English railways at Carlisle ; comprised only great forks from Edinburgh and Glasgow to Carstairs, branches from the Glasgow fork to south side of Glasgow, Strathaven, and the south border of Stirlingshire, and a main trunk from Carstairs to Carlisle ; and was completed to that extent in 1848 ; but it now, by amalgamations, new lines, new branches, and working connections, extends from Aberdeen to Carlisle, from Oban to Edinburgh, from Wemyss Bay to Leith, from Lockerby to Portpatrick, has connections with all the other Scottish railway systems, the North British, the Glasgow and South-Western, the Highland, and the Great North of Scotland, and thus gives conveyance from every existing rail-way point in Scotland into communication with the English railways at Carlisle. Its paid-up capital in 1879-80 was 27,370,193 in stock and share capital, 13,039,680 in ordinary capital, and 6,954,976 in loans and debenture stock.

CALF, islet near north-eastern extremity of Eday Island, Orkney.


CALFA, islet near Tyree Island, Argyleshire.

CALF SOUND, sea-belt, with harbour, between Calf islet and Eday, Orkney. A hamlet of its own name, with an inn, is on its Eday side.

CALGARRY, seat and small bay on north-west coast of Mull Island, Argyleshire.

CALLADER, lake, 5 miles south-south-east of Castleto wn-Braemar, Aberdeenshire.

CALLANDER, town and parish in south-west of Perthshire. The town stands on river Teith, 16^ miles north-west of Stirling ; has environs overhung or horizoned by very striking Highland scenery ; is a tourists' centre, and a summer retreat of very high attraction ; comprises well-built, regular, cleanly streets ; includes a noble villa on ground believed to have been occupied by a Roman camp ; includes also vestiges of an ancient seat of the Earls of Linlithgow and Callander ; and has a post office with money order and telegraph departments, designated of Perthshire, a railway station, 2 banking offices, 3 hotels, public halls of 1878, waterworks of 1872, Established, Free, and Episcopalian churches, and a public school. Pop. 1522. The parish measures about 19 miles in length, and 5 miles in greatest breadth. Acres, 51,186. Real property in 1880-81, 19,039. Pop., quoad civilia, 2167 ; quoad sacra, 1940. The vale of Teith, upward from the town, overhung on the west by Benledi, bounded on the north by Crag of Callander and hills of Leny, and all within the eastern section of the parish, is the chief seat of population. The Crag of Callander is a bold stupendous rock, with aspects strikingly contrasted to that of the vale. A line along the southern border, past Lochs Vennachoir and Achray, through the Trossachs, to upper part of Loch Katrine, teems with the scenery of Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake ; so also does a line from the Teith's vale up the side of Loch Lubnaig to the northern boundary. Most other parts, and likewise some screens of these lines, are mountainous and heathy. There are 3 schools for 304 scholars, and one of them for 150 is new.

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