Enriching Cultural Heritage Communities: New Tools and Technologies

A. Dix1,2, E. Jones3,2,4, R. Cowgill5, C. Armstrong6, R. Ridgewell7, M. Twidale8, J. S. Downie8, M. Reagan9, C. Bashford8, David Bainbridge10, C. Neads4 and V. Davies4,

1 Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales, UK;   2 Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales, UK;   3 AWEN Institute, Swansea University, Wales, UK;   4 Troedrhiwfuwch Community, Wales, UK;   5 University of York, UK;   6 the Valuable 500, UK;   7 British Library, UK;   8 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA;   9 Krannert Center, UIUC, USA;   10 University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ

Published in Interacting with Computers, DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwae009;
Extended version of paper "Tools and technology to support rich community heritage" originally presented at British HCI Conference (BHCI2022), Keele, UK. 11-13 July 2022.


This paper explores ways in which scholarly skill and expertise might be embodied in tools and sustainable practices that enable communities to create and manage their own digital archives. We focus particularly on tools and practices related to the recording and annotation of digitized materials. The paper is based on co-production practice in two very different kinds of community. Although the communities are different we find that tools designed for a specific community are valuable for others, thus offering the promise of general tools to support community-centred digitization and potentially also traditional archival practice.

Keywords: community heritage, digital archives, digital storytelling, democratising digitisation


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