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ARICHONAN, lofty hill in North Knapdale parish, Argyleshire.

ARICLINY, lake in Kildonan pansh, Sutherland.

ARIENAS, lake in Morvern parish, Argyleshire.

ARINACRUMACHD, place, with public school, in Applecross parish, Ross-shire.

ARINANGOUR, seaport village in Coll Island, Argyleshire.


ARITY, burn in Inverarity parish, Forfarshire.


ARKENDEITH, ruined old fortalice in Avochparish, Koss-shire.

ARKLE, isolated tapering mountain, 2578 feet high, in Edderachyllis parish, Sutherland.


ARLERY, seat near Milnathort, Kinross-shire.

ARMADALE, town, 2J miles west of Bathgate, Linlithgowshire. It was scarcely even a hamlet till within a recent period ; it became a town and has prospered in connection with mineral industries ; and it has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Bathgate, a railway station, Established and Free churches, "Wesleyan and Episcopalian chapels, and a public school with about 215 scholars. Pop. 2642.

ARMADALE, rivulet, bay, fishing village, and headland in Farr parish, Sutherland. The rivulet is short, but important. The bay receives the rivulet, lies between Strathy head and Armadale headland, and is one of the safest landing-places on the north coast. The village stands on the bay, 20 miles west-south-west of Thurso, and has a post office under Thurso, and a small public school.

ARMADALE, seat of Lord Macdonald on south-east coast of Skye Island, 7 miles north-east of Sleat point. It is a castellated edifice of 1815, and has well-wooded grounds.

ARMANDAVE, acclivitous mountain, on \v t ,r side of Loch Lubnaig, Perthshire.

ARMIT, affluent of Gala water, at 5 miles north-north-west of Stow, Edinburghshire.

ARNAGE, railway station and seat, 3i miles north-north-west of Ellon, Aberdeenshire.

ARNAL. rivulet in Barvas parish, Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

ARNATE, head-stream of the Ardle, Perthshire.

ARNBARROW, hill in Fordoun parish, KincMnlinrshire.

ARNCROACH, hamlet in Carnbee parish, Fife. It has a post office under Pitten-weeni, a Free church, and a public school.

ARNDEAN, seat, 2 miles east-north-east of Dollar, Clackmannanshire.

ARNDILLY, seat on the Spey,in Boharm jiarisli, r.anffshire.

ARNGASK, parish in the counties of Kinross, Fife, and Perth. It contains Damhead village, with post office under Kinross. Acres of the Kinross part, 1801 ; of the Fife part, 1834; of the Perth part, 2815. Real property in 1880-81, 1897, 2379, 2506. Pop. 129, 219, and 199. The surface includes hills of the Ochils, and is richly diversified. The church contains 380 sittings, and the public school has accommodation for 150 scholars.

ARNGIBBON, seat and glen, about 2J miles east of Bucklyvie, Stirlingshire.

ARNGOMERY, seat near Kippen, Stirlingshire.

ARNHALL, hamlet in Fettercairn parish, Kincardineshire.

ARNIFOUL, village in Glammis parish, Forfarshire.

ARNISDALE, village in Glenelg parish, Inverness-shire.

ARNISH, point in Loch Stornoway, Lewis, Outer Hebrides. A lighthouse is on it, with revolving light, visible at the distance of 12 nautical miles.

ARNISH, bay on west side of Raasay Island, Inverness-shire.

ARNISORT, sea-loch and hamlet in north-west of Skye Island, Inverness-shire. The sea-loch is a branch of Loch Snizort, and the hamlet has a post office under Portree.

ARNISTON, seat of the Dundas family on the South Esk, 13 miles south-south-east of Edinburgh.

ARNISTON COLLIERY, village in Cockpen parish, Edinburghshire.

ARNPRIOR, village in Perthshire section of Kippen parish.

ARNSHEEN, quoad sacra parish in Colmonell parish, Ayrshire. Its post town is Girvan. Pop. 1059.

ARNTULLY, village and estate, 8 miles north of Perth.

AROS, village, bay, and ruined old castle, on east coast of Mull Island, Argyleshire. The village stands on the bay 9 miles south-south-east of Tobermory, and has a post office, with telegraph, under Oban, and an inn. The bay, though small, is screened by lofty cliffs, streaked with cascades. The old castle crowns one of the cliffs, was a residence of the Lords of the Isles, and is now a mere lofty fragment.

ARRADOUL, place, with Episcopalian chapel, in Rathven parish, Banffshire.

ARRAN, island in south of Buteshire. It lies in the Firth of Clyde, 6| miles south-west of the nearest part of Bute, 4f miles east of the nearest part of Kintyre, and 10J west of the nearest part of Ayrshire. Its length, from north-by-west to south-by-east, is 20J miles ; its mean breadth is about 6J miles ; and its area is 105,436 acres. Its northern half is chiefly a mass of rugged mountains, with altitudes up to 2874 feet, embosoming many deep ravines and glens. Its southern half is principally undulated, rolling, and hilly, with many summits of greater altitude than 500 feet, and with much diversity of intervening vale and plain. Its coast is mostly a narrow strip of low ground, over-hung by mountain or hill, and traversed all round by a good public road. Its aggregate character exhibits vast diversity, force, and wealth of landscape, and possesses more interest for geologists and naturalists than any other tract of equal extent in Great Britain. Most of it be-longs to the Duke of Hamilton. Brodick Castle, near the middle of the east coast, is a seat of the duke ; and Lamlash Bay, about 6 miles south of that seat, is a road-stead famous for both capacity and safety. Brodick and Lamlash villages are the largest seats of population, and draw many summer visitors. Pop. of the island, 4745.

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