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ARROCHAR, village and parish in north of Dumbartonshire. The village stands on east side, near head of Loch Long, 17i miles north of Helensburgh ; is a terminus of steam communication on the Upper Clyde, and a resort of tourists and summer visitors ; is engirt by very grand, striking scenery ; and has a post office, with money order department, under Dumbarton, an excellent hotel, an Established church of 1847, a Free church, and a public school with about 60 scholars. The parish contains also the village of Tarbet, and is about 15 miles long. Acres, 25,858. Real property in 1880-81, 5291. Pop. 517. The surface extends about 3 miles along Loch Long, and nearly 14 miles along Loch Lomond ; is bordered along all the west by Argyleshire, and all the north by Perthshire; displays rich, diversified High-land scenery, and is so full of mountain and moor as to comprise only about 400 acres of arable land.

ARTARIG, fort on east side, near head of Loch Striven, Argyleshire.

ARTHURLEE, several localities at and near Barrhead, Eenfrewshire. Cross-Arthurlee is a suburb, and was the place of the earliest bleachfield in Scotland. West Arthurlee is a neighbouring village. South Arthurlee is noted for the erection of an extensive printfield in 1835. Arthurlee estate belonged anciently to a branch of the noble family of Darnley, but underwent division among several proprietors, acquired several mansions, and became a populous seat of manufacturing industry. _ Arthurlee House, one of the mansions, is a handsome modern edifice. An ancient cross-shaft stands near that mansion, and was reinstated on its original site there in 1872.

ARTHUR'S OVEN, famous quondam Roman antiquity, on a site near Carron ironworks, Stirlingshire. It was an edifice in form resembling a bee-hive, and measured 88 feet in circumference, but was destroyed in 1743.

ARTHUR'S SEAT, conspicuous hill in Queen's Park, contiguous to Edinburgh. It ascends from a base about f mile long ; culminates in a conical summit 822 feet above sea-level; presents to the west a precipitous face, with shoulder and skirt outlined like a lion couchant, and commands from its summit an exquisite panoramic view.

ARTHUR'S SEAT, rock on north side of Dunbarrow Hill, in Dunnichen parish, Forfarshire.

ARTHUR'S STONE, ancient standing stone and modern seat in Coupar-Angus parish, Perthshire.

ARTORNISH, ruined ancient castle on coast of Morvern parish, Argyleshire. It was a great stronghold of the Lords of the Isles, and a meeting-place of their national councils ; is graphically described as restored by his imagination in Sir "Walter Scott's Lord of the Isles, and consists now of little else than remains of a tower and fragments of outworks.

ASCAIG, lake in Kildonan parish, Sutherland.

ASCOG, bay, village, lake, and estate on east side of Bute Island, Buteshire. The bay is about 1J miles south-east of Rothesay. The village is chiefly a long chain of villas and ornate cottages, and has a post office under Rothesay, and a Free church. The lake lies adjacent, and has an area of 75J acres. The estate, with mansion, was sold in 1876 for 39,420.

ASCRIB, island in Duirnish parish, Skye, Inverness-shire.

ASHARE, section of Edderachyllis parish, Sutherland.

ASHBURN, seat in Innerkip parish, Renfrewshire.

ASHDALE, rivulet with two cascades, and glen with grand scenery, in southern extremity of Arran Island, Buteshire.

ASHDOW, waterfall on west border of Killearn parish, Stirlingshire.

ASHFIELD, place, with public school, in North Knapdale parish, Argyleshire.

ASHGROVE, seat and small lake in Kil winning parish, Ayrshire.

ASHIESTIEL, seat on the Tweed, 1\ miles north-west of Selkirk. It was Sir Walter Scott's residence, the place where he wrote a number of his works, during the ten years prior to his removal to Abbotsford.

ASHINTULLY, seat in Kirkmichael parish, Perthshire.

ASHKIRK, village in Roxburghshire, and parish partly also in Selkirkshire. The village stands on Ale river, 6 miles north-north-west of Hawick, and has a post office under Hawick, a parochial church, a Free church, and a public school with about 100 scholars. The parish comprises 8339 acres in Roxburghshire, and 3369 in Selkirkshire. Real property in 1880-81, 5163 and 2738. Pop. 362 and 138. The surface includes pieces of level land on the Ale, but is elsewhere all hilly. There are 2 schools, with accommodation for 174 scholars.

ASHLEY, seat in Ratho parish, Edin-burjrhshire.

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