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BENLIGA, mountain in Stobo parish, Peeblesshire.

BENLOCHAIN, mountain, 2306 feet high, 2r> miles west-by-south of Lochgoilheatl, Argyleshire.

BENLOMOND, massive alpine mountain, ascending slowly from the south, breaking down precipitously on the north, culminating at 3912 feet above sea-level, and commanding a most extensive and magnificent view, on east side of upper part of Loch Lomond, Stirlingshire.


BENLOYAL, picturesque mountain, with splintered summit 2505 feet high, on west side of Loch Loyal, in Sutherland.

BENLUNDIE, hill. 1154 feet high, near Golspie, in Sutherland.

BENMACDHU, loftiest of the Cairngorm Mountains, with summit 4296 feet high, at 12 miles north-west of Castleton-Braemar. Abevdeenshire.


BENMEAN, mountain in Morvern parish, Argyleshire.

BENMORE, alpine double-coned mountain, 3843 feet high, on south side of upper part of Glendochari, Perthshire.

BENMORE, massive alpine mountain, extending from LochnaKeal to Loch Scriden, and culminating at 3172 feet above sea-level, in Mull Island, Argyleshire.

BENMORE, grand alpine mountain, with summit 32S1 feet high, at 4 miles east-south-east of head of Loch Assynt, Sutherland.

BENMORE. alpine mountain-range, with pyramidal summits, in Glenshiel parish,

BENMORE, mountain, 2038 feet high. in middle of east coast of South Uist Island, Outer Hebrides.

BENMORE, remarkably outlined mountain, 6i miles north-west of UUapool, Koss-shire.

BENMORE, steep, lofty mountain, over-hanging Glenmassan, Gleneachaig, and Loch Eck. in Cowal, Argyleshire.

BENMORE, notable mountain in Lochs parish. Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

BENMORE, mountain, 2367 feet high, in Hum Island, Inner Hebrides.


BENNACALLIOCH, peaked mountain, near Broadford, Isle of Skye.

BENNACHIE, summit, 1619 feet high, with Caledonian stone circle, 3 miles south of Oyne. Aberdeenshire,

BENNAMAIN, one of the Cairngorms, in north-eastern vicinity of Benmacdhu.

BENNAN, hill, 920 feet high, 6 i miles south-east of Maybole, Ayrshire.

BENNAN, headland terminating Struey dirt's. Arran Island. Buteshire.

BENNAVROCHAN. one of the Cairngorms, 3795 feet high, in southern vicinity of Cairntoul.

BENNETSTON, village in Polmont parish, Stirlingshire.

BENNEVIS, loftiest mountain hi Great Britain. It rises abruptly from low ground adjacent to Fort-William, Inverness-shire ; attains an altitude of 4406 feet; commands a sublime extensive view ; discharges into Nevis river a waterfall thought by many persons to be finer than the Falls of Foyers ; and is skirted round the base, up Glennevis, by a public carriage drive formed in 1SSO.

BENNEWE, flat-topped mountain, with extensive view, in Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire.


BENOCHY, seat near Kirkcaldy, Fife.

BENOCHY, Aberdeenshire.

BENRAH, hill, 780 feet high, 11 miles west-south-west of Thurso, Caithness.

BENREITHE, summit of Argyle's Bowling-green, Argyleshire. Its height is 2141 feet.

BENRESIPOL, mountain, 2792 feet high, 5 miles west-north-west of Strontian, Argyleshire.

BENRINNES, massive mountain, 2747 feet high, with extensive view, in southern vicinity of Aberlour, Banffshire.

BENROSSAL. mountain on east side of upper part of Strathnaver, Sutherland.

BENRUADH, mountain, 2178 feet high, on east side of lower part of Lock Eck, Argyleshire.

BENSCARBA, summit, 1490 feet high, in Scarba Island, Argyleshire.

BENSCARRACH, mountain, 8 miles west-north-west of Lairg, in Sutherland.

BENSCREEL, mountain, 3196 feet high, on north side of Loch Hourn, Inverness-shire.

BENSHALGS, small lake in Knockando parish, Elginshire.

BENSLEY. village in Kilwinning parish, Ayrshire. Pop. 318.

BENSMEORALE, mountain, 6 miles north-north-west of Brora, in Sutherland.

BENSPIONNA, mountain, 2535 feet high, on west side of upper part of Loch Eriboll, in Sutherland.

BENSTACK, pyramidal mountain, 2364 feet high, overhanging Loch Stack, in Edderachyllis parish, Sutherland. BENSTARIVli, stern, massive mountain, 3541 feet high, on east side of upper part of Loch Etive, Argyleshire.

BENSTOMINO, mountain on east side of Loch Loyal, in Sutherland.

BENSTROME, mountain, 3 miles south of Benstack, in Sutherland.

BENT, place in Lesmahagow parish, Lanarkshire. It has a public school with about 105 scholars.

BENTARSEN. mountain, 2149 feet high, on north side of head of Glenfruin, Dumbartonshire.

BENTOAIG, mountain, 2712 feet high, 2 miles north-west of Loch Tolla, Glenorchy, Argyleshire.

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