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BENTRILLEACHAN, mountain, 27o2 feet high, on west side of upper part of Loch Etive, Argyleshire.

BENTS, railway station, 4f miles south of Bathgate, Linlithgowshire.

BENTS, seat in West Calder parish, Edinburghshire.

BENTS, affluent of the Don, at eastern boundary of Alford parish, Aberdeenshire.

BENUAIG, hill, 1320 feet high, at head of LochnaKeal, in Mull Island, Argyleshire.


BENUARIE, mountain, 1923 feet high, 8 miles west of Helmsdale, in Sutherland.

BENULAR, mountain, 4i miles south-west of Lochgoilhead, Argyleshire.

BENULAY, alpine mountain in Kintail parish, Ross-shire.

BENUNA, mountain on south-west side of Glencroe, Argyleshire. BENURANMORE and BENURANBEG, mountains, 3427 and 3011 feet high, on north-east verge of Blair-Athole parish, contiguous to Aberdeenshire.

BENUSHINISH, mountain in Lochs parish, Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

BENVADDA, mountain in north-western vicinity of Bengriam, Sutherland.

BENVALLA, mountain in Stobo parish, Peeblesshire.

BENVAN, mountain, with fine view, in Kilmartin parish, Argyleshire.

BENVAREN, mountain, 2345 feet high, in north-west of Arran Island, Buteshire.

BENVEEDAN, massive alpine mountain, in Ardchattan parish, Argyleshire.

BENVENUE, mountain, 2386 feet high, overhanging south side of Loch Katrine, Perthshire.

BENVIE, village and old parish, annexed to Liff, on south-west border of Forfarshire.

BENVIGORY, hill, scene of sanguinary fight between the Macdonalds and the Macleans, on east side of Islay Island, Argyleshire.

BENVOIRLICH, mountain, 3224 feet high, with extensive magnificent view, 3 miles south of middle of Loch Earn, Perthshire.

BENVOIRLICH, mountain, 3091 feet high, overhanging Loch Sloy, near head of Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire.

BENVOLLICH, mountain, 5 miles north of middle of Loch Rannoch, Perthshire

BENVRACKY, mountain, 2757 feet high, witli splendid view, adjacent to east side of Killiecrankie Pass, Perthshire.

BENVRAGIE, hill, 1384 feet high, crowned by colossal statue, near Golspie, Sutherland.

BENVRAICK, summit, 1922 feet hi ? h, o miles north-north-west of Drymen Stirlingshire.

BENVUI, hill in Eigg Island, Inner Hebrides.

BENVUROCK, mountain, 2961 feet high, in east-south-eastern vicinity of Benygloe, Perthshire.

BENWHAT, hill and village, 3 miles north of Dalmellington, Ayrshire. Pop. 772.

BENWYVIS, huge-based, broad-shouldered, lumpish mountain, culminating at 3426 feet, 8 miles north-west of Dingwall, in Ross-shire, and commanding a sublime view.

BENYASH, lofty hill, in north-west of Ardnamurchan peninsula, Argyleshire.


BENYGLOE, huge-based, four-summited mountain, with extreme altitude of 3671 feet, on left flank of Glentilt, Perthshire.

BEOCH, place on east side of Loch Ryan, 4 miles of Stranraer, Wigtonshire.

BEORAIK, lake in east of Arasaig district, Inverness-shire.

BERBETH, seat on the Doon, 2 miles south of Dalmellington, Ayrshire.

BERIGONIUM, site of alleged ancient capital of Dalriada, on the coast, 6 miles north-north-east of Oban, Argyleshire. The place is now called Dunmacsniachan, and contains only such vestiges as seem to indicate its having been the site of a small Scandinavian settlement.

BERNARDS (ST.), quoad sacra parish, with Established and Free churches, in north of New Town, Edinburgh. Pop. 5682.

BERNARDS (ST.), quoad sacra parish in Glasgow. Pop. 11,176.

BERNERA, island in south side of Loch Roag, west coast of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. It measures about 8 miles by 2, is surrounded by numerous islets, one of them called Little Bernera, and contains the largest group of ancient standing stones in Great Britain. Pop. 596.

BERNERA, island in Harris Sound, near northern extremity of North Uist, Outer Hebrides. It measures about 3J miles by 2, and has a quoad sacra parochial church. Pop. 452.

BERNERA, island at southern extremity of Outer Hebrides. It measures about 1 mile by f , and rises from cliffs to a height of about 500 feet. Pop. 57.

BERNISDALE, place in Snizort parish, Isle of Skye. It has a public school with about 117 scholars.

BERNORY, coast rock, with 3 caves, in Orphir parish, Orkney.

BERRIEDALE, rivulet, village, castle, and quoad sacra parish on south border of Caithness. The rivulet rises among Morvern Mountains, and runs about 16 miles eastward and south-eastward to the sea, near north base of the Ord. The village stands in a gorge at the rivulet's mouth, 9J miles north-east of Helmsdale ; has a post office under Golspie, an Established church, and a Free church, and gives the title of baron to the Earl of Caithness. The castle stands adjacent to the village, and is a ruined old baronial fortalice. Pop. of the parish, 1184.

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