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BLACKWOOD, seat and hill, with delightful views, 5J miles south-south-east of Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.

BLADENOCH, river and village in north-east of Wigtonshire. The river runs about 24 miles south-south-eastward to Wigton Bay, in vicinity of Wigton town ; and the village stands on the river about a mile south-west of the town, and has a, post office designated Bladenoch, Wigtonshire.

BLAINSLEE, village on north-east verge of Melrose parish, Roxburghshire. It has a public school with about 58 scholars.

BLAIR, any flat tract now or formerly moss or heath. The name occurs principally as a prefix.

BLAIR, suburb of Dairy, Ayrshire. It has public works, and is sometimes called Blair Works.

BLAIR, seat in Carnock parish, Fife.

BLAIRADAM, hamlet, 4 miles south-south-east of Kinross. It has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Kinross, and a railway station. Blairadam House stands about a mile to the west.

BLAIR-ATHOLE, village and parish in Athole district, Perthshire. The village stands 35J miles north-north-west of Perth, and has a head post office with money order and telegraph departments, a railway station, a banking office, a large ornate hotel, Established, Free, and Baptist churches, and a public school with about 163 scholars. The parish is about 27 miles long and 15 miles broad, and comprises 181,114 acres. Eeal property in 1880-81, 21,051. Pop., quoad civilia, 1742 ; quoad sacra, 1687. Strathgarry, from Struan Point to Killiecrankie Pass, is the mainly inhabited portion ; Glentilt, Glenfendar, Glenerichkie, and part of Strathtummel include other portions of low ground ; nearly all the rest of the area is filled with the Grampians ; and the whole has been summarily noticed in our article on Athole. Blair Castle, the seat of the Duke of Athole, is a conspicuous feature ; and Lude and Auchleeks are the chief other residences. An Episcopalian church is at Bridge of Tilt. There are 6 schools, with accommodation for 358 scholars.

BLAIRBEG, place in Urquhart parish, Inverness-shire. It has a public school with about 105 scholars.

BLAIRBETH, seat near Rutherglen, Lanarkshire.

BLAIRBURN, village in Culross parish, Perthshire.

BLAIR CASTLE, seat of the Duke of Athole, near Blair-Athole village, Perthshire. It dates from old unrecorded time, served long as a strong military post, was garrisoned by the Marquis of Montrose, stormed by Cromwell, occupied by Claverhouse, and besieged by the rebels in 1745 ; underwent transmutation into the form of a mansion, in a manner to retain a very plain appearance, wasi inhabited for 3 weeks in 1845 by the royal family, and began in 1872 to undergo extensive architectural embellishment.

BLAIR CASTLE, seat in Culross parish, Perthshire.

BLAIRDAFF, place in Chapel of Garioch parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a chapel-of-ease and a Free church.

BLAIRDERON, one of the Ochils, 2072 feet high, 5^ miles east-by-north of Dunblane, Perthshire.

BLAIRDRUMMOND, estate, famous for remarkable georgical improvement, in Kincardine parish, Perthshire. It has a large mansion, a fine park, a post office under Stirling, and a public school.

BLAIRESSAN, place, believed to have been a battle scene between the Romans and the Caledonians, a little north of Killearn village, Stirlingshire.

BLAIRFINDY, estate, with ruined noble hunting-seat, in Inveraven parish, Banffshire.

BLAIRGOWRIE, town and parish in north-east of Perthshire. The town stands on river Ericht, at terminus of branch rail-way, amid charming environs, 24J miles north-east of Perth; was only a mean village at commencement of present century, is now a flourishing seat of textile manufactures ; publishes 2 weekly news-papers, has a head post office with all departments, 4 banking offices, 7 hotels, a town hall, 2 Established churches, 2 Free churches, Congregational, Episcopalian, and Roman Catholic churches, and a public school with about 687 scholars, and includes practically the suburbs of New Rattray and Old Rattray. Pop. of the town proper, 4537 ; of the town and suburbs, 7070. The parish contains also Lornty village ; is intersected for about 2 miles by other parishes, an^ measures, exclusive of the intersection, about 9 miles is length. Acres, 15,303. Real property in 1880-81, 26,378. Pop., quoad civilia, 5162 ; quoad sacra, 1624. The surface partly lies within Strathmore, partly extends northward thence to summits of the Grampians, and is diversified by 5 water-courses and 6 lakes. The chief seats are Blairgowrie House, Newton, and Ardblair. There are 2 schools for 864 scholars, and 1 of them, for 726, is new.

BLAIRINGONE, quoad sacra parish, with village on the Devon, If mile east of Dollar, Clackmannanshire. It has a post office under Dollar, a small church, and a public school with about 105 scholars. Pop. 418.

BLAIRLOGIE, village, 3 miles east-north-east of Stirling. It has a post office under Stirling, and a United Presbyterian church. Blairlogie Castle, in its vicinity, is an old structure transmuted into a farm-house.

BLAIRMAND, place in Boyndie parish, D Banffshire. It has a public school with about 77 scholars.

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