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BLAIRMORE, village on west side of Loch Long, near the loch's mouth, Argyleshire. It is recent and well built, and it has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Greenock, and a good steamboat pier. Pop. 244.

BLAIRMORE, hamlet in Kenmore parish, Perthshire.

BLAIRQUHAN, seat of Sir Edward H. Blair, Bart., in Kirkmichael parish, Ayrshire.

BLAIRS, estate, with Roman Catholic college, on the Dee, 6 miles south-west of Aberdeen.

BLAIRS, lake in Rafford parish, Elginshire.

BLAIRVOCKIE, seat on east side of Loch Lomond, Stirlingshire.

BLALOWNE, seat near Cupar, Fife.

BLANE, small river, making a series of cascades among the Lennox Hills, running thence north-westward to the Endrick, and giving the name of Strathblane to its basin in Stirlingshire.

BLANEFIELD, village 3 miles south-east of Killearn, Stirlingshire. It has a post office, with money order department, under Glasgow, and a railway station. Pop. 169.

BLANE'S CHAPEL (ST.), ruined ancient church in Kingarth parish, Bute Island, Buteshire.

BLANE VALLEY RAILWAY, Similes long, from North British system at Lennoxtown down the course of Blane river. It was opened for goods in 1866, for passengers in 1867, and an extension of it, nearly 3 miles long, into junction with the Forth and Clyde Railway, was promoted in 1880.

BLANTYRE, 2 villages, town, and parish, in north-west of Lanarkshire. Low Blantyre village stands about 1^ mile from the Clyde, 8 miles south-east of Glasgow, and has a parochial church with 800 sittings, and a public school with about 259 scholars. Pop. 698. High Blantyre village stands near the north-western environs of Hamilton, and has a post office, with money order department, under Glasgow, a station on the Hamilton and Strathaven Railway, and a public school with about 277 scholars. Blantyre station is on Glasgow and Hamilton branch of Caledonian Railway, 8 miles from Glasgow, and has a post office under Glasgow. Blantyre Works town stands near that station, adjacent to the Clyde ; is a remarkably neat and clean seat of cotton manufacture ; has a banking office, a masonic hall of 1878, a United Presby-tt-rinn memorial church to the African explorer Dr. Livingstone, projected in 1881, and a suspension bridge ; and was the place where Dr. Livingstone spent some years as a juvenile factory-worker. Pop. 1849. The parish contains also the villages of Barnhill, Stonefield, Hunthill, Auchinraith, and Auchintibber ; gives the peerage title of baron to the family of Stuart; and is about & miles long, but comparatively narrow. Acres, 3954. Real property in 1880-81, 38,081. Pop. 9760. The surface is low, and mostly level. Blantyre Priory, founded by Alexander II., and now a tottering ruin, crowns a lofty rock contiguous to the Clyde. The churches, besides the parochial, are Free and United Presbyterian. There are 2 public schools for 800 scholars, and both of them are new.

BLAROUR, place in Kilmonivaig parish, Inverness-shire. It has a public school with about 95 scholars.

BLAVALIG, hills, 5 miles north-east of Pitlochrie, Perthshire.


BLEBO, village in Kemback parish, Fife. Pop. 217.

BLELACK,seat in Logie-Coldstone parish, Aberdeenshire.

BLERVIE,seat,with remains of old castle, in Rafford parish, Elginshire.

BLINKBONNY, section of Slamannan village, in Slamannan parish, Stirlingshire. Pop. 255.

BLINKBONNY, hill in Nenthorn parish, Berwickshire.

BLOODY, bay, where was a sea fight in 1480, near Tobermory, Mull Island, Argyleshire.

BLOODY, creek at south end of lona Island, Argyleshire.

BLOOMHILL, seat in Cardross parish, Dumbartonshire.

BLUE-MULL, sound between Yell and Unst Islands, Shetland.

BLUE-ROW, hamlet in New Kilpatrick parish, Dumbartonshire.

BLUEVALE, quoad sacra parish in north-east of Glasgow. Pop. 3635.

BLYTHE BRIDGE, place, 3 miles from Dolphinton, with post office under that village, Lanarkshire.

BLYTHSWOOD, seat on peninsula be-tween the Clyde and the Cart, Renfrewshire.

BLYTHSWOOD, quoad sacra parish and registration district, with square, about ^ mile west of Royal Exchange, Glasgow. Pop. of the parish, 5950 : of the district, 30,463.

BOARHILLS, village on the coast, 4 miles east-south-east of St. Andrews, Fife. It has a post office under St. Andrews.

BOATGREEN, harbour of Gatehouse, Kirkcudbrightshire.

BOATH, place in Alness parish, Ross-shire. It has a public school with about 43 scholars.

BOATH, seat of Sir James A. Dunbar, Bart. , near Auldearn, Nairnshire.

BOATH, hill in Carmylie parish, Forfarshire.

BOAT OF BRIDGE, place on the Spey, in Boharm parish, Banffshire.

BOAT OF GARTEN, place, 16f miles north-north-east of Kingussie, Inverness-shire. It has a post office under Carr Bridge, and a railway station.

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