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BOAT OF INCH, place, with railway station, 5| miles north-east of Kingussie, Inverness-shire.

BOCHASTLE, ridge, about 300 feet high, in western vicinity of Callander, Perthshire. It has remains of an ancient Caledonian fort, and it was assumed by Sir "Walter Scott to be the site of a Roman camp.

BOCHLE, high hill, bisecting Glenlivet Valley, Banffshire.

BODDAM, fishing town, 3 miles south of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. It has a post office under Peterhead, a chapel-of-ease, and a public school with about 280 scholars. Pop. 1117. Boddam Castle, on a neighbouring headland, adjacent to Buchanness, is a ruined strong seat of the Earls Marischal.

BODOTRIA, Firth of Forth, as known to the Romans.

BODSBECK, farm, the scene of Hogg's ' Brownie of Bodsbeck,' about 4 miles east-north-east of Moflfat, Dumfriesshire.

BOGANY, headland flanking east side of Rothesay Bay, Buteshire.

BOGBRAE, place in Cruden parish, Aberdeenshire. It has a public school with about 149 scholars.

BOGHALL, quondam strong castle of the Earls of Wigton, near Biggar, Lanarkshire.

BOGHEAD, village in Lesmahagow parish, Lanarkshire.

BOGHEAD, seat near Bathgate, Linlithgowshire.

BOGHOUSE, quondam castle in Crawfordjohn parish, Lanarkshire.

BOGIE, small river, running about 14 miles northward to the Deveron, in north-west of Aberdeenshire.

BOGIE, seat near Kirkcaldy, Fife.

BOGMUCHALS, place in Fordyce parish, Banffshire. It has a public school with about 49 scholars.

BOG OF GIGHT, original form of Gordon Castle, Bellie parish, Banffshire.

BOGRIE, old tower, often a refuge of the Covenanters, in Dunscore parish, Dumfriesshire.

BOGROY, place, 7 miles from Inverness. It has a post office under Inverness.

BOGSIDE, station on Stirling and Dunfermline Railway, 6 miles east of Alloa.

BOGTON, lake, on the Doon, in Dalmellington parish, Ayrshire.

BOHALLY, place, 3 miles from Pitlochrie, with post office under that village, Perthshire.

BOHARM, parish in Banffshire and Elginshire, averagely 6 miles north-east of Aberlour. Its post town is Keith. Its length is about 13 miles ; its breadth about 9 miles; its area, 8906 acres in Banffshire, and 7835 in Elginshire. Real property in 1880-81, 4493 and 3102. Pop. 543 and 623. The Spey bounds the west, and the Fiddich bounds the south and south-west. Benagen Mountain occupies much of the area ; and a curved valley, overhung by that mountain, and ascending to about 400 feet above sea-level, comprises most of the arable land. The seats are Arndilly and Auchlunkart ; and the chief antiquity is Bucharin Castle. The churches are Established and Free. There are 4 schools for 272 scholars, and 1 of them, for 80, is new.

BOHESPICK, tract on the Tummel, in Blair-Athole parish, Perthshire.


BOISDALE, sea-loch on east side of South Uist, Outer Hebrides.

BOLD, burn, running to the Tweed, in Traquair parish, Peeblesshire.

BOLESKINE, parish, containing Fort-Augustus and Balfrischel villages, in Inverness-shire. Its length is about 21 miles ; its mean breadth about 10 miles. Real property in 1880-81, 10,874. Pop., quoad civilia, 1388 ; quoad sacra, 1314. The limits include parts of the Great Glen, Stratherrick, Corryarrick, and the Monadhleadh Mountains, numerous lakes, the Fall of Foyers, and part of both shores of Loch Ness. A chief residence is Boleskine House, and chief antiquities are vitrified forts. The parochial church contains 428 sittings, and other churches are in Fort-Augustus. The public school has about 84 scholars.

BOLFRACKS, detached tract of Fortingal parish, with Bolfracks House, 3J miles east of Taymouth Castle, Perthshire.

BOLSA, headland in north-west of Islay Island, Argyleshire.

BOLSHAN, estate, with site of ancient castle, in Kinnell parish, Forfarshire.

BOLTON, parish, with church, 2f miles south-by-west of Haddington. Post town, Haddington. Acres, 3106. Real property in 1880-81, 4339. Pop. 337. The surface is pleasantly undulated, and all arable. The churches are Bolton parochial, and Bolton and Salton Free. The public school has accommodation for 67 scholars.

BOMBIE, ruined ancient castle in Kirkcudbright parish, Kirkcudbrightshire.

BONA, ancient parish, now united to that of Inverness.

BON -ACCORD, Aberdeen, fancifully called so in allusion to its ancient war cry.

BON ALLY, seat in Colinton parish, Edinburghshire.

BONAR, village on strait of Dornoch Firth, south verge of Sutherland, 13| miles west-north-west of Tain. It has a post office under Ardgay, a railway station, a banking office, an inn, and a strong costly bridge of 1812. Pop. 313.


BONCASTLE, moundish site of ancient outpost of Douglas Castle, Douglas parish, Lanarkshire.

BONCHESTER, verdant lofty hill, with remains of apparently Roman works, in Hobkirk parish, Roxburghshire.

BONCHESTER BRIDGE, hamlet adjacent to Bonchester, Roxburghshire. It has a post office under Havvick.

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