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BONERBO, place in Carnbee parish, Fife. It has a public school with about 60 scholars.


BONESSAN, village at head of Loch Laich, near south-western extremity of Mull Island, Argyleshire. It has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Oban, an Established church with 350 sittings, and a public school with about 110 scholars. Pop. 214.

BONGATE, village in Jedburgh parish, Roxburghshire.

BONHARD, seat in Carriden parish, Linlithgowshire.

BONHARD, seat in Scone parish, Perthshire.

BONHILL, town and parish in Dumbartonshire. The town is practically con-joint with Alexandria, divided from it only by the river Leven ; dates from ancient times, but is a seat and centre of modern industries ; and has a post office, with money order department, under Dumbarton, a banking office, Established, Free, and United Presbyterian churches, a public school with about 379 scholars, and waterworks projected in 1880. Pop. 2940. The parish contains also the towns of Alexandria and Jamestown, and the villages of Balloch, Dalvault, and Mill of Halden, and it comprises the upper half of the Vale of Leven, and extends about 3 miles across the foot of Loch Lomond. Acres, 8373. Real property in 1880-81, 42,363. Pop., quoad civilia, 12,524; quoad sacra, 2983. The surface abounds in both natural beauty and artificial embellishment. 9 large print works are within its vale; and Tillichewan Castle, Bonhill Place, Levenfield, Bromley, Balloch Castle, Cameron House, Belretiro, Arden, and other mansions are chief residences. Churches are in Alexandria and Jamestown. There are 2 public schools for 1481 scholars, and 1 of them and an enlargement for 967 are new.

BONJEDWARD, village on site of Roman station, 2 miles north of Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. Bonjedward House, in its vicinity, belongs to the Marquis of Lothian.

BONKLE, village in central part of Cambusnethan parish, Lanarkshire. It has a United Presbyterian church.

BONNETHILL, eastern suburb of Dundee. It has a Free church.

BONNINGTON, suburb on Water of Leith, about a mile north of Edinburgh. It is chiefly modern, and well edificed ; and it h:is a railway station, a handsome United 1'ivsbyterian church of 1880, and a large public school.

BONNINGTON. village and seat in Katho parish. Edinburghalure.

BONNINGTON, hamlet in Arbirlot pa risli , Forfarshiro. It has a public school with about 58 scholars-

BONNINGTON, seat and water-fall on the Clyde, in Lanarkshire. The seat is in south-eastern vicinity of Lanark, belongs to Sir Charles W. F. A. Ross, Bart., and has fine grounds, through which the fall is approached from Lanark. The fall is the uppermost of the Falls of Clyde, and forms a sheer leap of 30 feet, split by a projecting rock.

BONNY, rivulet entering the Carron 3 miles west of Falkirk, Stirlingshire.

BONNYBRIDGE, town on . Bonny rivulet, 4 miles west of Falkirk. It has a post office under Denny, a quoad sacra parish church, and a public school with about 255 scholars. Pop. of town, 1782 ; of quoad sacra parish, 1940.

BONNYMOOR, tract noted for a skirmish in 1820 between Radicals and Royal troops, about a mile south of Bonnybridge.

BONNYRIGG, town, 2 miles south-west of Dalkeith, Edinburghshire. It was formerly a collier village, but is now a genteel summer resort ; and it has a post office, with money order department, under Lasswade, a railway station, a banking office, a volunteer hall, a bowling-green, recently formed waterworks, a Free church, and a public school with about 152 scholars. Pop. 2425.

BONNYTON, suburb of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

BONNYTOWN, part of Old Montrose estate, with vestige of ancient castle in Mary ton parish, Forfarshire.

BONSHAW, old tower near Kirtlebridge, Dumfriesshire.

BONSKEID, seat amid rich wild scenery, largely covered with natural beechwood, about 4J miles north-west of Pitlochrie, Perthshire.

BOON, round, massive hill, 1070 feet high, in Legerwood parish, Berwickshire.

BOON-DREICH, small affluent of the Leader, near Lauder, Berwickshire.

BOQUHAN, seat and glen near Gargunnock, Stirlingshire. The glen somewhat resembles the Trossachs.

BORA, pastoral islet in Rendall parish, Orkney.

BORELAND, collier village, about mile south-east of Gallatown, Fife. It has a public school with about 68 scholars.

BORELAND, seat in Hutton parish, Dumfriesshire.

BORELAND PARK, village in Auchterarder parish, Perthshire.

BORENNICH, section of Blair-Athole parish, on the Tummel, Perthshire.

BORERAY, islet near St. Kilda, Outer Hebrides.

BORESTON, village in Dairy parish, Ayrshire. Pop. 401.

BORGIE, rivulet running from Loch Loyal to Torrisdale Bay, Sutherland.

BORGUE, village and parish on sea-board of Kirkcudbrightshire. The village stands 4J miles south-west of Kirkcudbright, and has a post office under Kirkcudbright, a conspicuous Established church, a Free church, and a public school with about 178 scholars. The parish contains also Kirkandrews and (Jhapelton villages, includes Ardwell and Little Ross Islands, and is 10 miles long and 7 miles broad. Acres, 13,531. Real property in 1880-81, 13,997. Pop. 1129. The coast extends 3J miles along Kirkcudbright Bay and 5J miles along Solway Firth, and is considerably indented, and partly rocky and precipitous. The interior is mainly an intermixture of very numerous ancient lake bottoms, with great variety of rising grounds and little hills. Earlston, the seat of Sir William Gordon, Bart., is the chief residence, and Plumton Castle and Balmangan Tower are chief antiquities.

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