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ABERNYTE, parish in Sidlaw district, Perthshire, mainly about 2 miles north-north-west of Inchture railway station. Post town, Inchture. Acres, 2532. Real property in 1880-81, 3011. Pop. 275. The surface is mostly hilly, and rises from about 300 to about 1155 feet above sea-level. A Free church serves for Abernyte and Rait. The public school has about 75 scholars.

ABERTARF, parish, united to Boleskine, Inverness-shire.

ABERUCHILL, seat, 2 miles west-south-west of Comrie, Perthshire.

ABERUTHVEN, village, 2J miles north-east of Auchterarder, Perthshire. It has a post office under Auchterarder, a ruined ancient church used as a burying-place of the Duke of Montrose, a Free church, and a public school. Pop. 331.

ABINGTON, village on the Clyde, 43 miles south-west-by-south of Edinburgh. It is a meet for huntsmen, and a centre for anglers, and it has a post office designated of Lanarkshire, a railway station, an inn, and a Free church.

ABOVE-THE-HILL, place, with public school, in Hurray parish, Orkney.

ABOYNE, village and parish in Deeside district, Aberdeenshire. The village stands on the Dee, 32^ miles west-south-west of Aberdeen ; it has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Aberdeen, a railway station, a 1 milking office, an inn, a suspension bridge, an Established church of 1842, a Free church, and a public school with about 164 scholars, and it gives the titles of baron, viscount, and earl to the Marquis of Huntly. Pop. about 200. The present parish comprises the old parishes of Aboyne and Glentanner, and extends from Coull to Kincardineshire. Acres, 25,265. Real property in 1880-81, 8005. Pop. 1427. About one-tenth of the land is arable, a considerable aggregate is under wood, and the rest is pastoral or heathy hill and mountain. Aboyne Castle, the seat of the Marquis of Huntly, stands near the village, and is an imposing edifice of dates from llth century till recent years. There are 3 public schools for 318 scholars, and one of them, for 160, is new.

ACHADASHENAIG, seat, overlooking Aros Bay, Mull Island, Argyleshire.

ACHADHAMILLAN, place on south-east side of Loch Killisport, Argyleshire.

ACHAHOISH, hamlet at head of Loch Killisport, Argyleshire. It has a post office under Lochgilphead.

ACHALERAN, place in Ardchattan parish, Argyleshire. It has a public school with about 53 scholars.

ACHALICK, bay on east side of Loch Fyne, nearly opposite Tarbert, Argyleshire.

ACHALL, lake in Lochbroom parish, Ross-shire.

ACHALL ADER, ruined baronial fortalice on Loch Tolla, Glenorchy, Argyleshire.

ACHALLY, lake, and hill 1694 feet high, in Clunie parish, Perthshire.

ACHANACY, hill in Keith parish, Banffshire.


ACHANDARINE, village in Inverary parish, Argyleshire.

ACHANEILAN, deep quagmire, 5 miles long, adjacent to Loch Shiel, on north border of Argyleshire.

ACHANY, seat, 4 miles south-west of Lairg, Sutherland.

ACHARACLE, quoad sacra, parish around Loch Shiel, Argyleshire and Inverness-shire. Pop. 1236. It has a post office under Fort-William, an Established church, a Free church preaching-station, and 3 new public schools.

ACHARDALE, quondam hamlet in Halkirk parish, Caithness.

ACHARN, village, and burn with picturesque cascades, 2 miles west-south-west of Kenmore, Perthshire.

ACHASTLE, ruined old castle in Latheron parish, Caithness.

ACHAVANICH, place, 8 miles north of Dunbeath, in Caithness.

ACHBRECK, village in Glenlivet, 10 miles south of Dufftown, Banffshire. It has a post office under Ballindalloch.

ACHILTIE, lake in Contin parish, Ross-shire.


ACHINDUIN, ruined episcopal castle on west coast of Lismore Island, Argyleshire.

ACHINDUNE, ruined strong baronial fortalice on Fiddich rivulet, near Dufftown, Banffshire.

ACHLYNE, noble shooting-lodge in Glendochart, Perthshire.

ACHNACARRY, hamlet and seat at convergence of Glenarchaig and Great Glen, Inverness-shire. The hamlet has a post office under Fort-William.

ACHNACLOICH, lake in Rosskeen parish, Ross-shire.

ACHNACRAIG, hamlet at mouth of Loch Don, Mull Island, Argyleshire. It is the ferry station to Oban, and it has a post office, with money order and telegraph departments, under Oban, and a harbour.

ACHNACROISH, place, 3 miles north of Achnacraig, Mull Island, Argyleshire. It has a post office under Oban.

ACHNAGOL, village in Inverary parish, Argyleshire.

ACHNAHANNET, place, with public school, in Kincardine parish, Ross-shire.

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