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ACHNAHOW, glen in Kildonan parish, Sutherland.

ACHNESS, castle near foot of Glen-cassley, Sutherland.

ACHRANNIE, wild cataract within frightful chasm on river Isla, on west border of Forfarshire.

ACHRAY, picturesque lake a short distance east of the Trossachs, Perthshire.

ACHRISGILL, impetuous stream running to Loch Inchard, on west coast of Sutherland.

ACHTERCAIRN, hamlet in Gairloch parish, Ross-shire. It has a public school with about 123 scholars.

ACKERGILL, place on Sinclair Bay, 3 miles north of Wick, Caithness. It has a public school, and it was designed in December 1879 to have a steamship pier to accommodate steamers in lieu of their going up to Wick. Ackergill Tower is partly an ancient, massive, well-preserved fortalice, and partly a modern castellated mansion.

ADAM'S ROW, village in Newton parish, Edinburghshire.

ADAMTON, seat near Monkton, Ayrshire.

ADD, river, running 12 miles south-westward to head of Loch Crinan, Argyleshire.

ADDIEWELL, town, about a mile west of West Calder, Edinburghshire. It was founded subsequent to 1864 ; it consists almost wholly of extensive paraffin works and of houses for the workmen ; and it stands adjacent to West Calder railway station, and has a post office under Mid-Calder. Pop. 1819.

ADIE, hill in Rathven parish, Banffshire.

ADIGO, lake in Uig parish, Lewis, Outer Hedrides.

ADVIE, old parish, now part of Cromdale, Elginshire. It has a railway station 8 miles north-east of Grantown, a post office under Ballindalloch, and a chapel-of-ease.

AE, river, running 16 miles south-east-ward to the Kinnel, at 2 miles north-north-west of Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire.

AFFLECK, old baronial fortalice, almost entire, in Monikie parish, Forfarshire.

AFFLECK, Ayrshire.

AFFORSK, romantic ravine in Gamrie parish, Banffshire.

AFFRICK, lake and river in Strathaffrick, north-west border of Inverness-shire. The lake lies in the upper part of the strath, measures about 5 miles in length, and is overhung by Alpine mountains. The river traverses both that lake and Loch Benevean, makes several fine cascades, and takes afterwards the name of Glass.

AFTON, rivulet, running 6J miles north-ward to the Nith, at New Cumnock, Ayrshire. It is sung by Burns.

AFTON-BRIDGEND, village on Afton rivulet, near New Cumnock, Ayrshire. It has a Free church. Pop. 350.

AHEURICH, glen in Sunart district, Argyleshire.

AICHILTIBUIE, hamlet in Lochbroom parish, Ross-shire. It has a public school with about 120 scholars.


AIKENHAULD, site of old parochial church in Oathlaw parish, Forfarshire.

AIKENHEAD, seat in Cathcart parish, Renfrewshire.

AIKERNESS, estate in Evie parish, Orkney.

AIKET, ancient castle in Dunlop parish, Ayrshire.

AIKEY-BRAE, historical spot near Old Deer, Aberdeenshire.

AILSA-CRAIG, insular conical rock in Firth of Clyde, 10 miles west-by-north of Girvan, Ayrshire. It consists of syenitic trap, rises steeply to height of 1114 feet above mean level tide, and is inhabited by countless multitudes of sea-fowl. Pop. 7.

AILSK, wild upland lake, a source of Oikell river in Sutherland.

AIRD, peninsula, 5 miles long, in Stornoway parish, Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

AIRD, headland, forming north-east extremity of Skye Island, Inverness-shire.

AIRD, large, rich, picturesque tract on the Beauly, in north-west extremity of Inverness-shire.

AIRD, rocky promontory, with remains of Scandinavian fort, in Saddell parish, Kintyre, Argyleshire.

AIRD, hamlet in Inch parish, Wigtonshire.

AIRD or ARD, any hummocky height, small or large, low or high, either on coast or inland. The word is used chiefly as a prefix, and mostly in the form of 'Ard.'

AIRDIT, seat in Leuchars parish, Fife.

AIRDRIE, parliamentary burgh, 12 miles east-by-north of Glasgow. It was no more than a small hamlet so late as 1725 ; and it rose into consequence, and has continued to prosper, in connection with mining and manufacture. It includes a long, spacious, well-built principal street ; but it is incompact, and straggles into suburbs. It has a head post office with all departments, 2 railway stations, 4 banking offices, a large hotel, a neat town hall, a company's public hall, 3 Established churches, 4 Free churches, 2 United Presbyterian churches, Congregational, Evangelical Union, Baptist, Wesleyan, and Roman Catholic chapels, 3 public schools, 2 academies, and 2 other schools, and it publishes a weekly newspaper. One of its Established churches was erected in 1875, at a cost of about 6000, and contains about 900 sittings. One of the public schools was erected in 1876, at a cost of about 8000, and has accommodation for about 800 scholars. The burgh unites with Hamilton, Lanark, Falkirk, and Linlithgow in sending a member to Parliament. Pop. 13,363.

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