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CAERWINNING, hill, with vestiges of ancient fortification, near Dairy, Ayrshire.

CAILM, lake in Reay parish, Caithness.

CAINAIL, glen in Torosay parish, Mull Island, Argyleshire.

CAIRN, small river, uniting with the Glenesland to form the Cluden, on west border of Dumfriesshire.

CAIRN, hill in Tundergarth parish, Dumfriesshire.

CAIRN, hill in Kirkmaiden parish, Wigtonshire.

CAIRN, two summits of the Pentlands, East and West, 1839 and 1844 feet high, in Edinburghshire.

CAIRN, hill in Culsamond parish, Aberdeenshire.

CAIRNAIG, rivulet, entering the Fleet, in Sutherland.

CAIRNAKAY, mountain ridge, south-w.nvard from Benrinnes to the Aven's glen, in Banffshire.

CAIRN APPLE, lofty hill on east border of Torphichen parish, Linlithgowshire.

CAIRN-A-QUHEEN, stone tumulus about 1J mile west of Crathie church, Aberdeenshire. Its name was the war-cry of the ancient clans of Deeside.

CAIRN-ARC, very ancient large cairn near mouth of river Ness, Inverness-shire.

CAIRN -A -VAIN, ancient large cairn, crowning one of the Ochil Hills, on north border of Orwell parish, Kinross-shire

CAIRNAVERAN, hill, crowned with caii-n, in Alford parish, Aberdeensliirc.

CAIRNBALLOCH, one of the Monadhleadh mountains, Inverness-shire.

CAIRNBAN, place, with nine locks on Crinal Canal, 2 miles west-north-west of Lochgilphead, Argyleshire.

CAIRNBAN, mountain, 3443 feet high, 10 miles east-north-east of Kingussie, Inverness-shire.

CAIRNBANNO, seat, 11 miles west-south-west of Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire. The tract around it has one public school of its name, with about 124 scholars, in New Deer parish ; and another, with about 31 scholars, in Monquhitter.

CAIRNBANNOCH, mountain, 3314 feet high, near Lochnagar, Aberdeenshire.

CAIRNBARROW, farm, with large cairns, in Glass parish, Banffshire.

CAIRNBEDDIE, viUage in St. Martin's parish, Perthshire. A moated mound here is said to have been the site of a castle of Macbeth.

CAIRNBRAN, large cairn in Loth parish, Sutherland.

CAIRNBRENNOCH, mountain on north verge of Blair-Athole parish, Perthshire.

CAIRNBROE, seat in Bothwell parish, Lanarkshire.

CAIRNBULG, headland, conspicuous ruined baronial castle, and fishing village 2 miles south-east of Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. The village possesses, con-jointly with Inverallochy, a quoad sacra parochial church, and a large public school. Pop. 459.

CAIRNBURGBEG, and CAIRNBURG-MORE, two of the Treshinish Isles near north-west coast of Mull, Argyleshire.

CAIRNCHUNAIG, lofty mountain on mutual border of Rosskeen and Kincardine parishes, Ross-shire.

CAIRNCONAN, hill, with very fine view, on west border of St. Vigeans parish, Forfarshire.

CAIRN-CUILDICH, true site of original Culdee establishment on west coast of lona, Island, Argyleshire.

CAIRNDOW, hamlet on east side near head of Loch Fyne, Argyleshire. It communicates by steamboat with Inverary, and has a post office, designated of Argyleshire, and a good inn.

CAIRNECLAR, mountain, 3250 feet high, 13 miles north of Bridge of Tilt, Perthshire.

CAIRNESS, estate, with modern mansion, and with post office under Aberdeen, in Lonmay parish, Aberdeenshire.


CAIRNEYHILL, village, 3 miles west-south-west of Dunfermline, Fife. It has a United Presbyterian church with 400 sittings, and a public school with about 89 scholars. Pop. 293.

CAIRNEYHILL, village adjacent to Bankfoot, in Auchtergaven parish, Perthshire.

CAIRNFARRY, headland at north end of Gigha Island, Argyleshire.

CAIRNFERG, conspicuous conical mountain iu Birse parish, Aberdeenshire.

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