- balance orders
- base period
- base rate
- baseline
- basepoint
- Bayes factor
- Bayes rule
- Bayesian inference - See Bayesian reasoning
- Bayesian methods - See Bayesian reasoning
- Bayesian posterior probability - See posterior distribution
- Bayesian reasoning
- Bayesian statistics
- Bayesian test
- between-subjects design
- bias
- big data
- bimodal distribution
- binary data
- Binomial distribution
- Bonferroni correction
- borrowed methods
- bounded below
- bounded data
- bounds
- categorical data
- Cauchy distribution
- causality
- Central Limit Theorem
- cherry picking
- CHI conference
- citation count
- citation data
- claims analysis
- closed formula
- closed world
- cognitive load
- coin tossing
- computer simulation
- conditional probability
- confidence interval
- confirmation bias
- confounding variables
- conscious thinking
- constant area visualisation
- context effects
- continuous data
- continuous distribution
- controlled environments
- controlled experiment
- controlled tasks
- coping mechanisms
- correlation coefficient - See Pearson correlation coefficient
- count data
- counterfactual
- covariance
- critical values
- ecological validity
- effect size
- effective sample size
- elderly users
- emergent patterns
- empirical data
- empirical distribution
- empirical evaluation
- empirical methods
- encoding (belief) as probability
- epistemologically random
- error bars
- error rate
- estimate
- estimate of the variability
- estimated standard deviation
- ethnography
- experimental error
- experimenter effects
- expert evaluation
- expert slip
- explanation
- explanation stage
- exploration stage
- external non-independence
- extrapolation
- extreme statistics
- extreme values
- factor effects
- factorial
- fair coin
- fair estimate
- false baseline
- false basepoint
- false negative
- false origin
- false positive
- feedback effects
- file drawer effect
- file tree visualisation
- fine positioning tasks
- finite data
- finite variance
- fishing expedition
- Fitts' Law
- five users (the myth)
- fixed effect
- font size
- formalist
- formative evaluation
- formative stages
- frequentist
- H0 - See null hypothesis
- H1 - See alternative hypothesis
- HARK - See hypothesis after the results are known
- HARKing - See hypothesis after the results are known
- Hawthorne effect
- HCI - See Human–Computer Interaction
- HCI studies
- Human–Computer Interaction
- hypothesis after the results are known
- hypothesis testing
- idealist
- image recognition
- in-the-wild
- income distribution
- increase effect
- increase number
- independence
- independence condition
- independent evidence
- independent variable
- index of difficulty (IoD)
- individual differences
- infinite variance
- intelligent interfaces
- inter-related factors
- interference effect
- internal non-independence
- interpolate
- interquartile range
- iterative development
- iterative evaluation
- machine learning
- manipulate sensitivity - See sensitivity
- matching subjects
- mathematics
- mean (μ)
- mechanism
- median
- menu navigation
- meta-analysis
- mode
- model
- model the bias
- Monty Hall problem
- more subjects
- Müller–Lyer illusion
- multiple causes
- multiple statistics
- multiple tests
- multiplicity adjustments - See multiplicity control
- multiplicity control
- narrow user group
- negative binomial
- negative correlation
- negative results
- network data
- new statistics - See alternative statistics
- noise–effect–number triangle
- nominal data - See categorical data
- non-independence
- non-significant result
- nonlinearity
- nonparametric statistics
- Normal approximation
- Normal distribution
- not proven
- null hypothesis
- numeric data
- p-curve
- p-hacking
- p-value
- pair subjects
- parameters
- parametric statistics
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- peripheral vision
- perturbation analysis - See sensitivity analysis
- PieTree
- plausibility
- pointing task
- Poisson distribution
- population
- positive correlation
- positive feedback
- positive learning - See learning effects
- positive results
- post-hoc hypothesis
- posterior distribution
- power (statistical) - See statistical power
- power-law distribution
- pre-registration
- prior belief
- prior distribution
- probabilistic phenomena
- probability distribution
- proof by contradiction
- public domain
- public sector borrowing
- publication bias
- publish or perish
- R
- random effect
- random noise
- randomise orders
- real world
- reasonable expectation - See plausibility
- reduce noise
- regression analysis - See linear regression
- removing outliers - See outliers
- repeatability
- replication
- replication crisis
- RepliCHI
- representative sample
- reproducibility
- residuals
- response time
- restricted device
- restricted system
- restricted tasks
- Royal Statistical Society
- sample
- sample composition
- sample size
- sample variance
- sample-based approaches
- sampling bias
- scale free distribution
- scatter plots
- Schrodinger's cat
- s.d. - See standard deviation (s.d., σ)
- s.e. - See standard error (s.e.)
- seeded
- selection bias
- selective publishing
- sensitivity
- sensitivity analysis
- significance level
- significance test
- significant difference
- significant effect - See significant result
- significant range
- significant result
- Simpson's paradox
- simulation methods
- single cause
- size of the noise
- size of the study
- snowball sample
- social network data
- software design
- software development process
- sonic enhancement
- standard deviation (s.d., σ)
- standard deviation of the population
- standard deviation of the sample
- standard error (s.e.)
- starting hypothesis
- statistical analysis
- statistical crisis
- statistical inference
- statistical power
- statistical reasoning - See statistical inference
- statistical significance
- steering task
- Student's t distribution
- Student's t-test
- subconscious reactions
- subjects
- summative evaluation
- survey data
- systematic effects
- t-test - See Student's t-test
- tail
- tail heavy
- target size
- targeted tasks
- targeted user group
- task completion time
- tasks
- temporal data
- the job of statistics
- theoretical distribution
- theoretical understanding
- threshold effect
- traditional statistics
- transforming data
- Transparent Statistics
- TreeMap
- two-tailed test
- Type I error
- Type II error
- typical user
- UK income distribution
- unbiased
- unbounded data
- unbounded tail
- unbounded values - See unbounded data
- uncertain knowledge
- uncontrolled factors
- uncontrolled variation
- uniform distribution
- uniform prior
- uniformity fallacy
- unintentional bias
- unrepeatable event
- upper bound
- upper quartile
- usability evaluation
- user experience
- user experience design
- user experience studies
- user interface
- user interface development
- user interface properties
- user interface testing - See usability evaluation
- user studies