Got some books to fill my evenings when I’m in Rome during May, mostly about physicality and relating to DEPtH project.
Several classics about the nature of action in the physical world:
- James Gibson,. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
. New Jersey, USA, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1979
Actually a bit embarrassing as I have written about affordance and cited Gibson many times, but never read the original! - Martin Heidegger. Being and Time
. Harper Perennial Modern Classics; Reprint edition, 2008
Similarly how many times have I cited ‘ready to hand’! But then again how many people have read Heidegger? - Martin Heidegger. Basic Writings
. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008
This is a ‘best bits’ for Heidegger! - Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Phenomenology of Perception
. London, England, Routledge, 1958
Everybody seems to cite Merleau-Ponty, but don’t know much about him … except all that French philosophy is bound to be heavy!
A couple more with a human as action system perspective, that seem to be well reviewed (and I’m guessing easier reads!):
- Shaun Gallagher. How the Body Shapes the Mind
. Oxford, UK, Clarendon Press, 2005
- Alva Noë. Action in Perception
. MIT Press, 2005
Finally three about memories: linking generally to memories for life and also designing for reflection, but looking at them more specifically in relation to Haliyana‘s photologing studies.
- Paul Ricoeur. Memory, History, Forgetting
. Chicago University Press; New edition, 2006
- Paul Ricoeur. Time and Narrative
, Volume 1, Chicago University Press; New edition, 1990
More classics … and I suspect heavy reads, got another Rocoeur already, but it is still on my “to read” pile. - Svetlana Boym. The Future of Nostalgia
. Basic Books, 2008
Just sounded good.
Will report on them as I go 🙂
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