Solr Rocks!

After struggling with large FULLTEXT indexes in MySQL, Solr comes to the rescue, 16 million records ingested in 20 minutes – wow!

One small Gotcha was the security classes, which have obviously moved since the documentation was written (see fix at end of the post).

For web apps I live off MySQL, albeit now-a-days often wrapped with my own NoSQLite libraries to do Mongo-style databases over the LAMP stack. I’d also recently had a successful experience using MySQL FULLTEXT indices with a smaller database (10s of thousands of records) for the HCI Book search.  So when I wanted to index 16 million the book titles with their author names from OpenLibrary I thought I might as well have a go.

For some MySQL table types, the normal recommendation used to be to insert records without an index and add the index later.  However, in the past I have had a very bad experience with this approach as there doesn’t appear to be a way to tell MySQL to go easy with this process – I recall the disk being absolutely thrashed and Fiona having to restart the web server 🙁

Happily, Ernie Souhrada  reports that for MyISAM tables incremental inserts with an index are no worse than bulk insert followed by adding the index.  So I went ahead and set off a script adding batches of a 10,000 records at a time, with small gaps ‘just in case’.  The just in case was definitely the case and 16 hours later I’d barely managed a million records and MySQL was getting slower and slower.

I cut my losses, tried an upload without the FULLTEXT index and 20 minutes later, that was fine … but no way could I dare doing that ‘CREATE FULLTEXT’!

In my heart I knew that lucene/Solr was the right way to go.  These are designed for search engine performance, but I dreaded the pain of trying to install and come up to speed with yet a different system that might not end up any better in the end.

However, I bit the bullet, and my dread was utterly unfounded.  Fiona got the right version of Java running and then within half an hour of downloading Solr I had it up and running with one of the examples.  I then tried experimental ingests with small chunks of the data: 1000 records, 10,000 records, 100,000 records, a million records … Solr lapped it up, utterly painless.  The only fix I needed was because my tab-separated records had quote characters that needed mangling.

So,  a quick split into million record chunks (I couldn’t bring myself to do a single multi-gigabyte POST …but maybe that would have been OK!), set the ingest going and 20 minutes later – hey presto 16 million full text indexed records 🙂  I then realised I’d forgotten to give fieldnames, so the ingest had taken the first record values as a header line.  No problems, just clear the database and re-ingest … at 20 minutes for the whole thing, who cares!

As noted there was one slight gotcha.  In the Securing Solr section of the Solr Reference guide, it explains how to set up the security.json file.  This kept failing until I realised it was failing to find the classes solr.BasicAuthPlugin and solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin (solr.log is your friend!).  After a bit of listing of contents of jars, I found tat these are now in  I also found that the JSON parser struggled a little with indents … I think maybe tab characters, but after explicitly selecting and then re-typing spaces yay! – I have a fully secured Solr instance with 16 million book titles – wow 🙂

This is my final security.json file (actual credentials obscured of course!

    "blockUnknown": true,
      "tom":"blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo= blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo=",
      "dick":"blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo= blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo=",
      "harry":"blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo= blabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblabbityblo="},


Hierarchical grammars for more human-like compiler parsing

Nearly twenty years ago, back when I was in York, one of my student project suggestions was to try to make compiler parsers operate a little more like a human: scanning first for high-level structures like brackets and blocks and only moving on to finer level features later.  If I recall there were several reasons for this, including connections with ‘dynamic pointers’1, but most important to help error reporting, especially in cases of mismatched brackets or missing ‘;’ from line ends … still a big problem.

Looking back I can see that one MEng student considered it, but in the end didn’t do it, so it lay amongst that great pile of “things to do one day” and discuss occasionally over tea or beer. I recall too looking at grammar-to-grammar parsers … I guess now-a-days I might imagine using XSLT!

Today, 18 years on, while scanning David Unger’s publications I discover that he actually did this in the Java parser at Sun2.  I don’t know if this is actually used in the current Java implementations.  Their reasons for looking at the issue  were to do with making the parser easier to maintain, so it may actually be that this is being done under the hood, but the benefits for the Java programmer not being realised.

While I was originally thinking about programming languages, I have more recently found myself using the general methods in anger when doing data cleaning as often one approaches this in a pipeline fashion, creating elements of structure along the way that are picked up by future parsing/cleaning steps.

To my knowledge there are no general purpose tools for doing this.  So, if anyone is looking for a little project, here is my own original project suggestion from 1993 …

When compilers parse a computer program, they usually proceed in a sequential, left-to-right fashion. The computational requirement of limited lookahead means that the syntax of programming languages must usually be close to LL(1) or LR(1). Human readers use a very different strategy. They scan the text for significant features, building up an understanding of the text in a more top down fashion. The human reader thus looks at the syntax at multiple levels and we can think of this as a hierarchical grammar.

The purpose of this project is to build a parser based more closely on this human parsing strategy. The target language could be Pascal or C (ADA is probably a little complex!). The parser will operate in two or more passes. The first pass would identify the block structure, for example, in C this would be based on matching various brackets and delimiters `{};,()’. This would yield a partially sequential, partially tree-like structure. Mismatched brackets could be detected at this stage, avoiding the normally confusing error messages generated by this common error. Subsequent passes would `parse’ this tree eventually obtaining a standard syntax tree.

Depending on progress, the project can develop in various ways. One option is to use the more human-like parsing to improve error reporting, for example, the first pass could identify the likely sites for where brackets have been missed by analysing the indentation structure of the program. Another option would be to build a YACC-like tool to assist in the production of multi-level parsers.


1.  S. P. Robertson, E. F. Davis, K. Okabe and D. Fitz-Randolf, “Program comprehension beyond the line”3, pp. 959-963 in Proceedings of Interact’90, North-Holland, 1990.
2.  Recommended reading from compiler construction course
3.  YACC manual from UNIX manual set.

  1. For more on Dynamic Pointers see my first book “Formal Methods for Interactive Systems“, a CSCW journal paper “Dynamic pointers and threads“[back]
  2. Modular parser architecture with mini parsers. D M Ungar, US Patent 7,089,541, 2006[back]
  3. Incidentally, “Program comprehension beyond the line” is a fantastic paper both for its results and also methodologically. In the days when eye-tracking was still pretty complex (maybe still now!), they wanted to study program comprehension, so instead of following eye gaze, they forced experimental subjects to physically scroll through code using a  single-line browser.  [back]