the plague of bugs

Like some Biblical locust swarm, every attempt to do anything is thwarted by the dead weight of innumerable bugs! This time I was trying … and failing … to upload a Word file into Google docs. I uploaded the docx file and it said the file was unreadable, tried saving it as .doc, and when that failed created an rtf file. Amazingly from a 1 Meg word file the rtf was 66 Meg, but very very slowly Google docs did upload the file and when it was eventually all uploaded …

To be fair the same document imports pretty badly into Pages (all the headings disappear).  I think this is because it is originally a 2003 Word file and gets corrupted when the new Word reads it.

Now I have griped before about backward compatibility issues for Word, and in general about lack of robustness in many leading products, and to add to my woes, for the last month or so (I guess after a software update) Word has decided not to show its formatting menus on an opened document unless I first hide them, then show them, and then maximise the window. Mostly these things are annoying, sometimes really block work, and always waste time and destroy the flow of work.

However, rather than grousing once again (well I already have a bit), I am trying to make sense of this.  For some time it has become apparent that software is fundamentally breaking down, in that with every new version there is minimal new useful functionality, but more bugs.  This may be simply issues of scale, of the training of programmers, or of the nature of development processes.  Indeed in the talk I gave a bit over a  year ago to PPIG, “as we may code“, I noted that coding in th 21st Century seems to be radically different, more about finding tricks and community know-how and less about problem solving.

Whatever the reason, I don’t think the Biblical plague of bugs is simply due to laziness or indifference on the part of large vendors such as  Microsoft and Adobe, but is symptomatic of a deeper crisis in software development, certainly where there is a significant user interface.

Maybe this is simply an inevitable consequence of scale, but more optimistically I wonder if there are new ways of coding, new paradigms or new architectural models.  Can 2010 be the decade when software is reborn?

Apple’s Model-View-Controller is Seeheim

Just reading the iPhone Cocoa developer docs and its description of Model-View-Controller. However, if you look at the diagram rather than the model component directly notifying the view of changes as in classic MVC, in Cocoa the controller acts as mediator, more like the Dialogue component in the Seeheim architecture1 or the Control component in PAC.

MVC from Mac Cocoa development docs

The docs describing the Cocoa MVC design pattern in more detail in fact do a detailed comparison with the Smalltalk MVC, but do not refer to Seeheim or PAC, I guess because they are less well known now-a-days.  Only a few weeks ago when discussing architecture with my students, I described Seeheim as being more a conceptual architecture and not used in actual implementations now.  I will have to update my lectures – Seeheim lives!

  1. Shocked to find no real web documentation for Seeheim, not even on Wikipedia; looks like CS memory is short.  However, it is described in chapter 8 of the HCI book and in the chapter 8 slides[back]

First blog from iPhone

Just downloaded WordPress app and doing first iPhone blog. Can imagine doing short blogs this way, but typing longer ones will be a pain. I hope Apple will listen to their users and allow bluetooth keyboards soon, then this might become really useful rather than expensive toy.

big file?

Encountered the following when downloading a file for proof checking from the Elsevier “E-Proofing” System web site1.  Happily it turned out to be a mere 950 K not a gigabyte!

  1. I was going to add a link to the system web site itself at but instead of some sort of home page you get redirected to the proofs of someone’s article in the Journal of Computational Physics![back]

the more things change …

I’ve been reading Jeni (Tennison)’s Musings about techie web stuff XML, RDF, etc.  Two articles particularly caught my eye.  One was Versioning URIs about URIs for real world and conceptual objects (schools, towns), and in particular how to deal with the fact that these change over time.  The other was Working With Fragmented Overlapping Markup all about managing multiple hierarchies of structure for the same underlying data.

In the past I’ve studied issues both of versioning and of multiple structures on the same data1, and Jeni lays out the issues for both really clearly. However, both topics gave a sense of deja vu, not just because of my own work, but because they reminded me of similar issues that go way back before the web was even thought of.

Versioning URIs and unique identifiers2

In my very first computing job (COBOL programming for Cumbria County Council) many many years ago, I read an article in Computer Weekly about choice of keys (I think for ISAM not even relational DBs). The article argued that keys should NEVER contain anything informational as it is bound to change. The author gave an example of standard maritime identifiers for a ship’s journey (rather like a flight number) that were based on destination port and supposed to never change … except when the ship maybe moved to a different route. There is always an ‘except’, so, the author argued, keys should be non-informational.

Just a short while after reading this I was working on a personnel system for the Education Dept. and was told emphatically that every teacher had a DES code given to them by government and that this code never changed. I believed them … they were my clients. However, sure enough, after several rounds of testing and demoing when they were happy with everything I tried a first mass import from the council’s main payroll file. Validations failed on a number of the DES numbers. It turned out that every teacher had a DES number except for new teachers where the Education Dept. then issued a sort of ‘pretend’ one … and of course the DES number never changed except when the real number came through. Of course, the uniqueness of the key was core to lots of the system … major rewrite :-/

The same issues occurred in many relational DBs where the spirit (rather like RDF triples) was that the record was defined by values, not by identity … but look at most SQL DBs today and everywhere you see unique but arbitrary identifying ids. DOIs, ISBNs, the BBC programme ids – we relearn the old lessons.

Unfortunately, once one leaves the engineered world of databases or SemWeb, neither arbitrary ids nor versioned ones entirely solve things as many real world entities tend to evolve rather than metamorphose, so for many purposes is the same as, but for others different: ‘nearly same as’ only has limited transitivity!

  1. e.g. Modelling Versions in Collaborative Work and Collaboration on different document processing platforms; quite a few years ago now![back]
  2. edited version of comments I left on Jeni’s post[back]

grammer aint wot it used two be

Fiona @ lovefibre and I have often discussed the worrying decline of language used in many comments and postings on the web. Sometimes people are using compressed txtng language or even leetspeak, both of these are reasonable alternative codes to ‘proper’ English, and potentially part of the natural growth of the language.  However, it is often clear that the cause is ignorance not choice.  One of the reasons may be that many more people are getting a voice on the Internet; it is not just the journalists, academics and professional classes.  If so, this could be a positive social sign indicating that a public voice is no longer restricted to university graduates, who, of course, know their grammar perfectly …

Earlier today I was using Google to look up the author of a book I was reading and one of the top links was a listing on  For interest I clicked through and saw:

“He sucks.. hes mean and way to demanding if u wanan work your ass off for a C+ take his class1

Hmm I wonder what this student’s course assignment looked like?

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  1. In case you think I’m a complete pedant, personally, I am happy with both the slang ‘sucks’ and ‘ass’ (instead of ‘arse’!), and the compressed speech ‘u’. These could be well-considered choices in language. The mistyped ‘wanna’ is also just a slip. It is the slightly more proper “hes mean and way to demanding” that seems to show  general lack of understanding.  Happily, the other comments, were not as bad as this one, but I did find the student who wanted a “descent grade” amusing 🙂 [back]

a new version of … on downgrades and preferences

I’m wondering why people break things when they create new versions.

Firefox used to open a discreet little window when you downloaded papers.  Now-a-days it opens a full screen window completely hiding the browser.

A minor issue, but makes me wonder about both new versions and also defaults and personalisation in general.

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Crash Report

You would think crash reporting would be made as seamless and helpful as possible, after all your product has just failed in some way and you wish (a) to mollify the user; and (b) to solicit their assistance in obtaining a full report.

You would think …

In the following I will reflect on what goes wrong in Adobe’s crash reporting and some  lessons we can learn from it.

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Language and Action (2): from observation to communication

Years ago I wrote a short CHI paper with Roberta Mancini and Stefano Levialdi “communication, action and history” all about the differences between language and action, but for the second time in a few weeks I am writing about the links. But of course there are both similarities and differences.

In my recent post about “language and action: sequential associative parsing“, I compared the role of semantics in the parsing of language with the similar role semantics plays in linking disparate events in our interpretation of the world and most significantly the actions of others. The two differ however in that language is deliberative, intentionally communicative, and hence has a structure, a rule-iness resulting from conventions; it is chosen to make it easier for the recipient to interpret. In contrast, the events of the world have structure inherent in their physical nature, but do not structure themselves in order that we may interpret them, their rule-iness is inherent not intentional. However, the actions of other people and animals often fall between the two.

In this post I will focus in on individual actions of creatures in the world and the way that observing others tells us about their current activities and even their intended actions, and thus how these observations becomes a resource for planning our own actions. However, our own actions are also the subject of observation and hence available to others. We may deliberately hide or obfuscate our intentions and actions if we do not wish others to ‘read’ what we are doing; however, we may also exaggerate them, making them more obvious when we are collaborating. That is, we shape our actions in the light of their potential observation by others so that they become an explicit communication to them.

This exaggeration is evident in computer environments and the physical world, and may even be the roots of iconic gesture and hence language itself.

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Language and Action: sequential associative parsing

In explaining how to make sentences more readable (I know I am one to talk!), I frequently explain to students that language understanding is a combination of a schema-based syntactic structure with more sequential associative reading.  Only recently I realised this was also the way we had been addressing the issue of task sequence inference in the TIM project. and is related also to the way we interpret action in the real world.

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